Jan 23, 2005 01:16
The world sucks today. In fact, the world sucks every day. Who are we trying to kid when we say this world is a beautiful place.
This world isn't a beautiful place. This world sucks, the people in it suck, and it's about time we start to realize this. It's about time we own up to the fact that we are on the brink of social and moral collapse. There isn't much left that is still pure...untainted. There is very little that doesn't factor into the depravity of the world. The place we live in is full of lies, deceit, and the ideal of materialistic superiority. We are quickly running out of things to look forward to anymore.
We have destroyed them all.
It isn't the government, or the media, or the schools. Noone can point blame at any one specific group of us. It was all of our doings. We all are equal in the ruin of what could of been great about this world.
All you need is to surround yourself with those few people you can really connect with, you know? Those ones that really understand you. Friends that make you feel at home just to talk to them. The people you can look at and say "You make the world suck less".
In fact. Right after you get done reading this, call someone. Call someone, go to thier house, whatever you have to do...just get a hold of one person and say: "You make the world suck less. This world is shit, but you being here, just makes it that much more tolerable".
Now, goodnight everyone.
Goodnight world. Fuck you. You suck.