Aug 24, 2007 21:27
so my parents are moving a little farther than i thought so i decided that im going to move out!
thats right, me and lola are going to be on our own in January! i found about a dozen complexes as well as cottages (which i will not live in w.o a roomate that is human) that are cheap as shit and in perfect commute to go to UC.
im really excited WOOT! ill have the best job ever (well in my life anyway) and my own place to have peeeeeace.
so im pretty excited, craigslist is my new best friend cause they showed me like a zillion places that have no breed restrictions and here i was bitching about how the valley sucks cock cause they hate my dog.
well i found a place that will take her in ^^ woot!!!!!!!! psh and people said my ikea obsession was out of hand HA!!! im already prepared with everything i need to live on my own beeotches. so take that. XPPPP
that and my comic Milk Lust is on its way!!! so far its a massive pain in the ass but im sure ill get a hang of it....... i finished one so far... well the drawings anywhoo!
so yea thats about all thats happening in my life so far
that and the fact that my dad got a free drink at taco bell just for having a pitbull in the passenger seat of his corvette. XD my dog is awesome