Can I Haz Commissions?

Sep 23, 2012 16:41

I can't believe I'm doing, or you might not believe I'm doing this, but I'm doing this and nothing is stopping me. Anyways, I'm opening up commissions on LJ and dA or anywhere else I'm in, so if you wanna have me draw you something that you think is worth your money, I shall do it. I don't believe in overpricing things just because they're deemed to be "worth it," so I don't have a big pricing for my stuff. Also, everyone has their own unique set of art, so overpricing is just plain stupid. Besides, my stuff isn't that great anyways... Because I feel confident, I am going to open up digital commissions.

This is the pricing list for traditional mediums.

< Paper >
- Regular A5 paper [$0]
- Regular A5 Marker paper [$1]
- COPIC A4 Marker Paper [$2]

< Type of Drawing >
- Sketch [$2]
- Inked--> Technical Pens [$3] Drawing Pen [$5]
- PRISMA colored pencils [$8 each]
- Watercolors [$10]
- COPIC Markers [$15]

< Backgrounds > (With either markers, or watercolors)
- Easy background [$2]
- Detailed Background [$8]
*COPIC marker [$10]

< Additional characters >
- Sketch [$1]
- Inked--> Technical Pens [$2] Drawing Pen [$2]
- PRISMA colored pencils [$3 each]
- Watercolors [$5]
- COPIC markers [$8 each]

< Postage/ Mailing >
- Under $1.50 [Free]
- $1.50 and up [The regular amount of postage that I need to pay]

This is the pricing list for digital art.

< Type of Drawing >
- Sketch [$1]
- Inked [$3]--> with shading or screentone [$5]
- Cell/ Smooth CG [$8]

< Additional Characters >
- Sketch [$1]
- Inked [$2]--> with shading or screentone [$3]
- Cell/ Smooth CG [$5]

< Background >
- Easy background [$2]
- Detailed Background [$5]

< Postage/ Mailing >
(I trust that your printer works far better than mine since I have NO printer and the school one sucks. If you must have one, I'll print it out on regular paper in the school and you'll have to pay for postage. Postage is the same as the Traditional Pricing.)

By commissioning me, you agree on:

- You will not blame me for poor quality. (If the artwork reaches you and it's bent or ripped, which I HOPE NOT, it's the fault of the postal services.)

- I will not start commissions unless I get paid in full. Or if you can't pay in full, you can contact me and pay some money first and then pay the rest later before I send you your artwork.

- You will not rush me to get the work done. I have other things to do as well so don't expect me to finish your request in 1 hr (although I tend to get motivated with something to keep me from boredom). You're are paying for the quality of my work not by timing how fast I can get a piece of artwork done. You may contact me online to check my progress on your request.

- You will not critique me on how I drew your characters unless you have specified before. My style of drawing is different from others so don't expect me to draw [insert character name here] exactly how he/she looks in the anime/manga/game. However, you can ask for a scan or photo of my current progress and if I am able to change something, you can request for me to change something.

- I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT DRAW MATURE RATED STUFF!! No pornography, sex, foreplay, child pornography. NONE OF THOSE WILL BE DRAWN. If you want porn, go search Google. The closest thing that I will draw are people in their undergarments. I won't draw any genitals, reproductive organs etc.

- I will draw any character on any anime/manga/game/show etc. I will draw OC characters if you give me enough references. I WON'T draw furries though. I can't draw them, but if you want an animal, I can try.

- All of my works will be marked with my signature and my stamp. I won't be signing and stamping all over your work so don't worry. I won't sign or stamp on anywhere that is noticeable like someone's face, so don't worry. But if you don't like it, too bad. I will also be crediting the creators of the characters you've commissioned me to draw, so I won't get arrested for copyrighting etc.

- I only accept payment through checks, money orders, concealed cash or Paypal. If your money gets lost or I don't receive it, it's not my fault.

If you agree with my terms and prices, feel free to contact me and help me raise money for college. I know most of you are either poor or broke, so I'm not forcing you to commission me. And I know my drawing is not as great as most people, but if it makes people feel happy then it makes me happy that people like it. I won't feel rejected, angry, depressed that you didn't commission me. Also, if you feel my prices are unfair or anything, feel free to contact me and you can negotiate prices with me.

So, e-mail me at zengqunan(a), note me on dA or msg me on LJ with these info if you are commissioning me:

What you want:
Paying Method:
Why are you commissioning me (You don't need to tell me, but I'm curious, haha):
Additional Info:

And that's all. If you have any questions, you can ask them by commenting below. And for the prices, just add the prices of whatever you want up and you get the total amount. Thanks guys! I would really appreciate it if you did commission me, haha.

And also, if you want samples of my work, you can find my work on my site: PARADISE
For examples for my sketches, traditional and digital, check out my sketchblog: SKETCHBLOG

If you find something you like on there and want me to mimic it, I can do that as well C:


commissions, vikki being evil, help

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