This post was inspired by boredom. Or maybe I just felt like doing it. Whichever comes first.
First, the most important part:
I am horribly sick of the fucking imvu advertising. I didn't mind it at first, and I'm usually a tolerant guy, but after seeing it everywhere for months on end kinda makes one want to explode.
Now that we got that out of the way, here's some stuff of lesser significance.
First, let's establish some key points. They may or may not be related to each other. Try not to think too hard.
1) I am a social hermit.
2) I am lazy.
3) I am a pushover.
4) Everything else after this will probably make no sense and most likely be of no consequence either.
Now, about point number one. I admit I am a social hermit. My friends list hasn't been updated in years, my Facebook died after it was born, I can count the number of people in my buddy list on one hand, and I have yet to receive a phone call about getting a monthly subscription of whatever magazine on my ancient cell phone. This probably relates to point number two somewhat, but it might even have a little to do with point three.
Being a social hermit has its perks. For one, you get to be a nonentity in the world of advertising, meaning I can pretty much ignore all my phone calls. I also have plenty of time to think and reflect, then think again, then reflect, think, reflect, think, eat dinner, reflect, genuflect, ???, profit!
A cat is fine too.
Then I finally get back to thinking and reflecting, and by this time I'm good enough to be a philosophy major. ONE YEAR OF COLLEGE WHOO except I'm a computer science major.
Of course, it's usually very lonely being a social hermit. Occasionally, somebody may come up to my door and ask me secrets of wisdom, but for the most part most people usually stop at climbing to the top of Mount Everest to achieve enlightenment. It's also boring too. Oh, the dilemma. Now I'll never get laid.
By this point I hope LJ saved this because I'll be damned if I have to rewrite all that.
Also, this method of thinking and reflecting is usually me beating up on me. I go through all of the events that happened this day, remember only the bad parts, remember all of the other bad parts that happened in my life, and then talk to myself as if I have schizophrenia. No, I don't have schizophrenia. Right, me?
Of course.
Anyhow, now I think about what I could've done, then tell myself that it's over already and I need to move on with my life, then I tell myself that I need to stop telling myself this and then I get to the point where I just need to stop thinking and stick my head in the freezer. It's the whole point number three thing. Oh, and at this point I'm pretty much paranoid. Every one of you is out to get me and send me to the FBI, I swear.
I wonder about what I could do better, something that I have wondered about for a long time, and then prepare myself to make things better, which leads me to point number two.
Which was something that I have forgot and I am too lazy to scroll up. (Point 1.5: Please, do not rely on me for my memory.)
I don't update my LJ often, most likely because that a) almost every single day is like yesterday, and b) I like to assume things about people that aren't true, which means I think that they think my opinions are irrelevant :Db
Laziness. or lzynss, if I don't feel like typing. Though that probably never happens, since I am strangely a perfectionist and I take hours to type something up because I feel the need to correct any mistake I see. Maybe I'll get to that later, but probably not.
...okay, I think everybody understands lazy, so.
Pushover! My favorite game when I was about six. I have this tendency to bend over backwards for people, just because I'm a nice guy. Maybe too much of it. Also have this tendency to stop whatever I'm doing and just disappear when I screw up. Better off not being too much of an inconvenience. Thank you for spellcheck. Then I go off to think and reflect.
Shit, now I have to make up some half-assed point to make this entry look insightful and poignant, because it's getting into srs territory.
Chocolate is good?
If you think this entry may be a cry for attention, try asking your nearest psychoanalyst, who will direct you to his or her book on symptoms to look out for in people who are crying out for attention. Of course, you'll need to buy another book to actually know what those symptoms are. Hooray for wikipedia!
This isn't a CRAWLING IN MY SKIN post, for those who like to think too much into other people. I just felt like it. Also note that I still have yet to say anything about what the hell I'm actually doing right now :E
In short, I don't feel any buzz when I drink alcohol. Damn my family's unnaturally high alcohol tolerance.