well, the summer has technically started for me, so here we go:
- reading list:
x on the road by jack keroac
. this book will save your life by a. m. homes
. things you should know by a. m. homes
. a spot of bother by mark haddon
x peter pan by j. m. barrie
. the sound and the fury by william faulkner
. one hundred years of solitude by gabriel garcia marquez
. smartish pace: issue 15
. preface: fall 2007
. brave new world by aldous huxley
. neverwhere by niel gaiman
. les miserables by victor hugo
. the pillowman by martin mcdonagh
. lolita by vladimir nabokov
. lottery by shirley jackson
. eats, shoots and leaves by lynne truss
. "harrison bergeron" by kurt vonnegut
. northern lights by philip pullman
. the subtle knife by philip pullman
. the amber spyglass by philip pullman
. something by charles dickens
x in the wake of the boatman by jonathan scott fuqua
x the reappearance of sam webber by jonathan scott fuqua
x the sinful life of lucy burns by elizabeth leiknes
x the understory by elizabeth leiknes
. black-eyed susan by elizabeth leiknes
x bloodtide by melvin burgess
x ashes, ashes by harrison demchick
x like we care by tom matthews
x smoke and mirrors by neil gaiman
. malicious intent by mike walker
. finn by matthew olshan
x molly's novel
x get a job (full-time?)
x get an internship
x go to Athens and Berlin (what, did someone say my tickets are booked?!)
x find a way to get back together with the folks I knew in high school
x hang with billiam, dan, nateumz and skippy on my birthday (you guys had better not have been kidding - I'm excited!)
- catch up in my study abroad blog
x organize all my photos
x update 6 million facebook albums
x print photos from England
- scrapbook my whole study abroad extravaganza (yes, all of it)
- organize my room
- get rid of all my extra junk
x renew my driver's license
well, that's a start, anyhow. I can't think of everything just now, and I know I got many more books than that for christmas, so I'd better add those when I get them in front of me. still, a pretty sweet start.