laughter is important for your health, right? thus, I am going to share some things that are good for you.
I stumbled across this website yesterday, and I think it might be just about the most practical thing in the world:
nice cup of tea and a sit down. oh, those british. I really appreciate the mission statement: "well I think we should all sit down and have a nice cup of tea, and some biscuits, nice ones mind you. oh and some cake would be nice as well. lovely."
and then there's
this, which is both funny and so pathetic that it physically pains me, and even brings me to the point of saying, like one much older than I: what is this world coming to? all these young teenage houligans, going around making this a worse place for everyone else...
I hope all my friends who are back at goucher are having a good time there, but not too much of the sort of good time that I'll be sad to miss. life's peachy here. I'm off to meet melissa in the city!