look whos back...
look whos back...
With all this bad news its time for some good news for my family. The courts have decided that Casey should be placed back into our house, This MONDAY. (Well, unless complications come along like the parents running to Mexico) But DCF is putting Casey Into our house again. im xxcited!!! =)
I'f you dont know who casey is, Casey is the baby that we raised from the time she was born, to the time she was 10 months old, and then she got placed back with her crack head parents. Her parents are doing crack again, and the grandparents that are suppose to be watching over Casey isnt doing a good job =) sooooooo ! =)
me year and a half ago. Ew.
Shes going to be 2 on holloween... =)
I hope nothing goes wrong, we have custody of her now. But we dont get her till monday, we're just afraid the parents will run away with her, or retaliate in a not so nice of way. There like crack dealers, so there scary people to get involved with... I hope they dont hurt our family...
=) I'll smile for now tho!