ritual making in New Monastic communities - can I study you?

Jul 03, 2008 14:42

Hi folks

My name is Tim, I'm a research student based in Sydney, Australia. I'm currently working on a research Masters which concerns itself with community ritual making and identity formation. I'm really interested in doing a case study on a New Monastic/intentional living community.

I'm writing because I'd like to make contact with a few people in different communities around the place to try to get a picture of what their daily lives look like. My focus is on the rituals that communities use, how they have developed, and to examine the function rituals play within the community's daily life, and in the formation/projection of its identity. I'm particulaly interested in what might be called 'spiritual disciplines' - the spiritually formative habits that are practised within the community.

So I'm really wondering if anyone here knows of, or is part of, a Christian collective that functions along the lines of an order (or maybe you're part of a more traditional order that is attempting to reinvent/reinvigorate their own ritual practises - that's interesting to me too), and wouldn't mind talking about it with me, could you send me an email? My email is: timkurylowicz [at] gmail [dot] com (or you might just leave a comment on this page - whatever suits!)

As I've said, I'm based in Sydney, which means I'm extra-specially keen to chat with Australian-based guys and girls because it's a bit easier for me to organise a research visit if you're local. I'd still LOVE to speak first hand with folk wherever they are in the world. Your group doesn't have to have published
their own liturgy resources or pioneered a new whiz bang ritual, either (though if you have, i'd really really like to ask you about it!) - if you regularly share a meal or pray together from time to time, that's interesting to me too.

If you email me, I'll get in contact with you and maybe we can organise a time when I can call you up (my expense, of course) and chat. Perhaps you know of a brilliant resource or website that's out there too - please feel free to email it to me.

Thanks very much for reading this. Have a top day!


The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him. Rom 8:29
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