Nov 09, 2004 17:56
ugh... being gone from school for two days raelly screws things up. I had a math test today, I didn't study at all, but I felt I did OK. Logarithms are sooo boring. I got an extension on my play for Creative Writing, I have to type it up tonight at some point. Looks like money is going to be an issue for me for a while. Oh well, welcome to real life. I have car repairs, but no money. Not good.
PSEO is getting to be a real hassle. I think I am going to skip it next semester and just do the regular high school thing. I was really getting used to waking up at 8:30, but all good things must come to an end.
ACK! I have to find a place for Cady and company to sleep when she comes over, hopefully they can stay at my house. Aaron had earlier let them stay there, but then he decided against it because he doesn't know them at all. Which is very understandable, I was actually surprised when he said yes initially. I got the whole weekend planned out, but I'm sure they will change.
We finished Supersize Me in Opposing Views today. It didn't change my perspective on fast food at all. I will stil eat there a couple of times a week, even though its "SOO SOO BAD FOR YOU!!!!!1" Shut up and let me eat my "Royale with Cheese" in peace.
I was thinking, there are several movies that I think EVERYONE needs to watch at least once. Comment with more if I forgot them or you think they are important. These are in no particluar order
All the Quentin Tarantino movies
Star Wars Trilogy (eh... throw in ep's 1 and 2 also)
Fight Club
Vanilla Sky
The Matrix
Dead Poets Society
Shaun of the Dead
Napoloen Dynamite (Except Kris, he doesnt have to see it)
SLC Punk
Army of Darkness
The Godfather (Part One and Two)
Shawshank Redemption
LOTR trilogy
Apocalypse now
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Saving Private Ryan
Black Hawk Down
Blade Runner
Donnie Darko
The Princess Bride
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Princess Mononoke
Neon Genesis Evangelion (The whole damn series)
Waking Life
Twelve Monkeys
Indiana Jones Trilogy
Run Lola Run
Anything I missed?