Fight Club!
What movie Do you Belong in?(many different outcomes!) brought to you by
Quizilla haha....take that Disney movie people.
I'm reading Brave New World now... theres probably more relevant howework to do. That's what Sunday's are for. And then procrastinating then and never getting it done.
We told Dan Erbes to do something weird. He fell over.
John got an invitation to a heretic burning, or got the new Gravitation.
we drove around in the Uptown area, and we saw some kids having a snowball fight. We pulled over, got snowballs ready, going for a quick tactical takedown. As we came closer, we realized that one of the "kids" was actually a dad or older brother (older than us). We kinda pulled back, but Jack let one fly, so we all threw a couple. Then we went bvack to the car, where the little hellions chased us and pelted Tom's car with snowballs. We left with a little less pride.
We went to go see Constantine. Fuck the haters, I liked it. Well.. in the same way I liked Van Helsing. Sometimes I see movies for (gasp) bombs, boobs, guns and CG stuff. Not every movie has to be Oscar-nominated to be good. Just look at Surf Ninjas. Oh, I also saw lots of people I recognize.
that pretty much sums it up. Oh, I talked to the owner at work, and when I go to Eau Claire I can get a job at the Culvers there! Wee!