Jun 25, 2005 00:12
I GOT MY PERMIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
itz flippin sweeeeeet
i only got one question wrong on the test
(then again i literally didnt sleep last nite cuz i wuz studyin)
but it wuz perdy easy
me n mother went out driven fer awhile
itz awesum awesum awesum
we were on like a county road rite outta town and it wuz goin awesum (exept she sed my motionz were too jerky) until we got 2 this intercection and i hadta stop fer a long time until i could go. then i looked in my rear-view mirror and saw a pile-up of about 10 cars behind me. since it wuz my foist time actually driven mother wouldnt lemme go ova 45 and the speed limit wuz 55. and fer the entire time the carz were behind me, which wuz a good 20 minutes...it wuz a no passing zone. so the carz behind me were followin me really close so dat sorta pissed me off...then mother made me pull over cuz she though i wuz "panicing" wateva...
i wuz sooo happy 2 see her again. itz harder then heck and juss not rite w/o her. she had fun so im glad. as soon as we got home we spent like 4 hours in my room talkin about everythin dat went on. we juss gotta fill each other in on the important stuff :p lol
if im gonna rite sappy pukey stuff on here
fer now on i will divide it by a dashed
line...so if u dont wanna read it juss
dont read beyond the line
wellll....on the down side of the goodness in my world
brianz leavin fer chicago.
we majorly are over-dramatizing the whole thing (lol), i mean he's only gonna b gone till thursday...but still it juss wont be the same w/o talkin to him every day...and wen i say everyday i mean everyday. i mean no email er anythin. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
yep...i chose this icon cuz itz jack from nightmare before christmas...which is how i gave him the nickname jack...cuz hez real tall n skinny and anna sed i looked like sally and sally endz up w/ jack at the end of the movie