Apr 16, 2006 21:11
...blonde over blue, they shine as though you're burning inside...
Boy howdy, things are going by fast. Miniterm was neatoid. Minimal amounts of work, as expected, except for a gigantanormous paper on psychoanalytic literary criticism of Kafka's "The Metamorphosis". I was able to write my miniterm paper on The Phantom of the Opera. Speaking of which, the play is supposed to be coming around later this year with Paul Stanley playing the phantom. Attending this play is essential to my well-being. Turned 18 recently. Now I can gamble, vote, and legally get lung cancer! Tons o fun right there. :) I got two Elton CDs and UNDERWORLD (only one of the greatest movies ever) plus other lovely and much appreciated things :)
I like babies :) Last Friday I played with a few of them most of the day. Kinda makes you miss the days of spending hours in cardboard boxes and having tickle fights.