You can't fence time....

May 29, 2005 19:05

...and you can't stop love...

Wow. That's the only way I know how to sum up the past few days. Wednesday night we had the SGA lock-in and it was declared that I am an offical member of 2nd Bryan :) We all hung out and signed yearbooks and all that jazz until 3AM when they made us all go back to hall. Anna, Jen, and I couldn't sleep at all, so we pulled an all-nighter just hanging out, talking, packing, etc. Then Annabelle decided we were going somewhere for breakfast, so we threw on clothes and walked to Elmo's. I swear, at least half of NCSSM was there. There was a group of S&Mers at EVERY table except for like two. Seems like no one could sleep. Anna and I hung out, got milkshakes, talked about how crappy our waiter was. :) Twas super fun. Then we started singing crazy stuff and acting like retards on the way back to school. I <3 my annabelle.

I made Anna a CD of all of our songs for her graduation present. She liked it a bunch :) yay!

Thursday was field day, so Aaron and I watched the Junior/Senior water balloon fight and laughed at all of the people making fools of themselves. :) I got really mad at Marlene because she wouldn't let me go to the 2B hall dinner because we had a hall party and all-hall-clean. :( I'm so much closer to the guys on 2nd Bryan than I am to most of the people on my hall, so yeah, that made me mad. We had a hall party, and the superlative I was was "most likely to fall down the stairs". When Cierra was about to announce who got "most likely to be seen engaging in PDA" katie yelled my silly :)....but Sophia got it instead of me :D teehee!

Friday was cleaning, cleaning, and a bit more cleaning. Followed by some moving out, and painting the walls in an attempt to cover up the monstrosity left behind by the poster puddy. My family decided that they really like Aaron :) yay!

Saturday was crazy. Got up early to help set up for graduation. Graduation was pretty cool. Watching all of my seniors get their diplomas and all :) Then the reception came. Lots of hugging and picture-taking, and goodbyes..... but that was NOTHING compared to saying goodbye to Aaron and Anna. Aaron and I cried, a whole whole lot. God, I miss him so much. Anna and I cried a lot too. Normally I don't like crying in front of people, but I couldn't help it at all this time. I miss my roomie sooooooo much!!!!! What am I going to do without her next year? She'll be at NCSU, so that's not too far away, but still....she's like my sister. <3

I came home and crashed. Lots o sleep. Then I stared cleaning, unpacking, decorating, etc.

I miss Aaron so much. I mean, oh my gosh, he's totally my other half (in a different way than Jerr-bear of course) and I don't feel complete without him. I mean, I know we're individuals, and that's cool, but it's like a part of me is 2 hours away. :( Hopefully we'll see each other soon. It sounds all silly and teenager-ish but I really really really love him. Like woah. And it's weird not seeing him every day. *sigh* I should try to keep busy.

It's nice to be home for a while. I missed my mommy and my twin and all my friends.

much <3 to all
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