the definition of a nerd.

Apr 06, 2004 10:22

yeah, so i just spent like the last hour wondering if a square spins at a constant rate, if the distance from the center fluxuates as a sine wave or if it was a constant variation. then, i spent like 20 minutes calculating the distance from the center at regular intervals in the rotation, and graphed it to see what it looked like. he probelm is i am not a master draftsman so my graph looks like hell, and i decided to give up. the point being, the only thing that can surpass realization that im a huge fucking nerd soem times, is that my intelectual impotus chokes and dies fairly easily.

in other news, the weekend. friday i didnt do a whole lot except tell every one and thier friggin mom that i was going to see kevin smith later that night. "starts at seven" i says to them, casue thats when its supposed to start. shida ends up picking me up at 630 ( no grude, i swear :P ) and we sit in trafic for like an hour and a half before we finally make what should be a 45 minute drive to College park, all the while ryan and christine have gotten there way before hand, like before 7 and now we feel guilty caus we think we're making them butt late for kevin smith. we show up and apparently kevin smith was almost as late as we were. so we didnt miss much. he proceeds to answer questions for 5 fuggin hours. my butt hurt from sitting in the crappy college park seats, but thast ok, casue kevin smith was a riot, and it was wonderful to see him. we eventually left, and i was nodding off and generally being tired/ sleepy all the while shida hasnt slept since tuesday. i feel like a whimp. but any ways, we get back and i promptly pass out.

all saturday i did next to nothing, until i met up with marcie to see hell boy. all the while im wondering out loud to people, if this is a date or just hanging out. anyhow, after the movie, we go to the diner to chill for a while and trade stories, and eventually leave there, and go back to my room to trade yet more stories, and where we eventually decided, that yes, it was a date. anyhow, we chill thorugh the night and go painting the next day, sunday.

then i get back from painting some where in the evening, and attempt to nap or soemthing, when robyn IMs me and reminds me i promised to chill with her and lindsay. i feel up for it, so i go over to thier house, where we end up watching queer as folk until like 1 30, and aftyerwards, i promptly pass out.

robyn wakes me up the next morning around ten thirty to take me to class, and apparently i was under the impression that it was really 6 in the morning and she was playing some sort of SADIEistic joke on me. any how, i go to german, finish that go back to my room for coffee, then carry a heavy friggin clay head to the center for the destruction of the arts where i proceed to finish it, and start on the first of the two full figure models i have to sculpt. some one in the class asked me if i was a sculpting major, which made me happy i guess, but i told them to go to hell. not really. anyhow, nothing ery consequental happened until last night when i wrote half the required length of my opolisci paper, which doesnt even fully take me off the first page of the out line. so the paper is gonna end up being just about captain planet, and im gonna have to scrap my work on he-man and the smurfs. which kinda makes me sad, but kinda makes me happy. i was looking forward to writing about the smurfs, but if it means less work for me this semester, i guess im all for it.

anyhow that up dates the lot of you as far as my weekend goes. the big thing was it was nice to go on an acctual date. i havent been on one for ever, and marcie is a very cool person. that was probably the big thing for the weekend, so yeah, go me.

in other news, im probably not gonna be able to finish the edwin painting by the time the dead line for student show applications, which makes me kind of sad, but what ever.

im in a good place right now and i dare one of you to try to stop that. the funny thing is, the best way to stop my happy place is a bit backwards than what you'd think.

signing off, csue you fuckers are trying to take me from my happy place,

--mr. warm.
--the bright and shiney cult in bubble boy.
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