snow. fucking snow. WHAT THE EVERLOVING FUCK?

Mar 10, 2004 10:43

so yeah, i woke uptoday, and my body wasnt tryingtokillme with asickness anymore. thats good. but it was however snowing. fuck THAT. so im staying infrom class under trhe pretense that im conserving my health. idontwanna get sick again. sick is bad.

in other news, yes, i would have voted for sharpton if it wasnt for his god awful haircut.

anyhow- philiosphical point: plato loved kissing his own ass. also i brought back aa bunch of bnooks on communism fromthelibrary ( im writing a paper on the smurfs.) and yeah. they were all red.... i thought it was funny.

and makebno doubt about it.... the smurfs were communists.
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