Good News: I'm in Wisconsin with Mom and my brother! It's gorgeous up here as always. The weather is so much better, and the crisp air makes me feel so energetic! There's a room in Aunt Steph's house where she stored all of Uncle Ricke's collection of board games. It gives the room such a comfy feel, like Ricke is still here with us. :) It makes me feel so much better, since I was worried an air of sadness would hang over Wisconsin with his absence. I'm glad I was wrong. This room is proof of that, and I feel his warm presence like he's telling me I've got nothing to worry about. :) I hope we get to play one of his games before we go to Door County, he's got some neat looking ones.
Bad News: Neither Jimmy or Aspen have enough money for me to move in by the end of August, and September is looking unlikely, so I'm stuck in Corpus for even longer. :( When I get home, I really have to focus on getting a job. I'll have to keep bugging the local vet until I finally start training to become a vet assistant. :o
My birthday's coming up on the 22nd! Teddy/Loid art and/or fic will totally make me squeegle. Or any ship I like.Or anything based off my novel.
This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!