These responses have their good and bad points. I agree that nobody should be forced to go to war, and that the prison system in America is flawed, racist, and fucked up (I don't know how it is in other countries. That's one of the many problems I have with Tumblr Social Justice; it's highly American-centric and turns a blind eye to the views of culture and politics as seen by other countries. Case in point:
tumblrites jumping down an Irish white male character's throat while entirely ignorant to the fact that he grew up during The Troubles of Northern Ireland) But I fail to see how "women should be held equally accountable for their crimes instead of getting a lighter sentence or going scot-free simply because they're women" = "OMG ARREST MORE WOMEN let's take advantage of our misogyny and racism and go on a witchhunt, especially against WOC!" Also, I'm side-eying what I bolded:
As a feminist, I am willing and able to check my privilege and mindfully talk about rape culture, sexual assault, and abuse as a patriarchy/power/at times gendered phenomena without being gender essentialist, transphobic, or erasing victims of any gender. I understand that male rape victims being affected by rape culture is STILL a product of patriarchy.
'Cause that's what every male rape victim needs to hear, right? "Hey, sorry you were raped, but since rape culture is a product of the patriarchy and our scorn against male victims is rooted in misogyny, you kind of brought this onto yourself. Check your male privilege!" It reeks of victim-blaming and Oppression Olympics.
This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!