Puri's a shipping nerd~

Feb 09, 2015 16:36

I've been fangirling Teddy/Loid on Twitter~ Mwoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiing~! ♥ Here's a copypasta from my Twitter as I look up some dude's Let's Play of Tomato's translation of Mother 1 to collect quotes and compare with Earthbound Zero. :D


First off, Teddy speaks more slang in Tomato's version. Makes sense, he's a gangster leader. ("Ahahaha, you're really somethin'! Ninten, was it? Whadya say we call it a draw?")

I love this new line, btw: "Great! I'm sure we'll make a great team of punks! Cheers!"


That's what Teddy says in EB0. I was expecting him to lay a complete SMACK-DOWN on this poor kid. Yet what we got here feels so... mild. Then Loid's just kicked out of your team, with no protest from Ninten or Ana. That always confused me. So I was hoping Tomato's new translation clarified exactly what's really going on.


Teddy: "Hey, you. Four-eyes. You're not cut out for fightin'. Rest here and take it easy. I'll take your stuff, too."

Burrrrrrrrrrn! That's more or less with what I was expecting. Still no reason why Ninten and Ana just let him kick Loid out of the party, but eh. That answered one of my burning questions. Skipping ahead to the cabin scene...



Teddy: "You two probably wanna be alone, huh? I'll just be catchin' some Zs over here, then."

What Teddy says between EB0 and M1 is completely different, yet telling. THEORY TIME

I've always believed that while Ninten and Ana were dancing, Teddy was calling Loid to check up on him. Loid is terrified as hell when he hears from him, so when Teddy asks him to come back because Ninten and Ana miss him, he's bewildered. So on top apologizing for teasing him and kicking him out of the party, Teddy has to break through Loid's low self esteem to convince him to come back. The conversation probably went something like this:

"But they don't need me. I'm weak and useless."
"So who cares if you're weak and useless? Ninten and Ana don't. You're their friend. Come to Mt. Itoi with us. We'll look out for you. Ninten and Ana... they looked after me. So let's say we take down this Gyiyg punk together, eh?"

So that's how Loid knew where to find Ninten and friends and got up Mt. Itoi in his tank to save them. Because Teddy learned the Power of Friendship through Ninten and Ana and wanted to put their needs before his own. I think that's the direction the EB0 translation was going, which I'll explain in a bit.



A few differences for the dance scene. "Silence falls..." becomes "It's quiet in here." For the confession, it's a lot simpler in M1: "Ninten... do you like me? (say yes) ...I'm so glad." Now I want to know what she says in the Tomato version if she says no. Her response in EB0, at least, is heartwrenching. Instead of being mad at you or all BUT THOU MUST, she apologizes and says she wasn't thinking. ;;

Teddy interrupts: "What're you two blushin' for? Let's get goin' already! Whoa! What the heck was that sound?! You gotta be kiddin' me!"

Now this is the part I actually kind of like the EB0 version better. While it's way stiffer than Tomato's, it actually shows a bit of Teddy's soft side. Where in M1 he pauses at the door wondering what the noise outside was, this is what he says in EB0 instead:

Followed by:

Awkwardly worded, but the way he used "silly" implies he's bonded with Ninten & Ana. Oh Teddy. ;;



Loid: "Oh no! I'm too late!"

Yeeeeeeeeah, Tomato's version makes WAY more sense.

omg up next is one of my favorite scenes from the game. ;;



Teddy: "There's no way we can beat 'em with brute strength alone. But we CAN bring peace back to the world. I just know it."

Tomato version of that line is definitely better. *sob* TEDDYYYYY



Doctor: "Say, Loid. Looks like it's finally time to use what little courage you have."

Way less cliched, packs more punch. TOMATO WINS AGAIN.

omg what is Loid's line going to be fjkafjslkgjdklg



Loid: "I may be a wimp, but now it's my turn to fight! Teddy! You can take it easy in here."

Ohhhhh Loid. That is one sick burn. XD I can just imagine:

Loid: *Anthy-esque smile* You stay here and take it easy! I'll take your stuff, too.
Teddy: Ow. I deserved that.

The burn is kind of lost in the EB0 version, but "Now it's the weakling's turn" has a different tone to it. I can do with either version of the line. I LOVE YOU LOID! ;;

In Tomato/M1, Teddy is now "a popular singer" as opposed to just "sing[ing] daily). I knew he became a rock star! :o Tomato's line for Easter/Youngtown is way cuter too: "The abducted grown-ups return to their children in Easter. You did great, kids!" Awww.

Loid is greeted with a hero's welcome in all versions. Going backwards into the game now... is it me, or is Loid more vocal in Tomato's version? He seems shyer in EB0 while in M1 he desperately wanted someone to spazz about rockets with. One thing's for sure, he's MUCH geekier, which I approve of. :D



Loid: "Who's there?! I'm not coming out! You're just gonna pick on me if I do!"

Tomato's translation is much more natural. :o I lack EB0 caps for this next bit, but it's more or less the same:

Loid: "You want to be my friend?! Then do you promise not to tell that I took explosives from the science lab? (say yes) I'm coming out now. I'm Loid. I heard they make Bottle Rockets at the Sweet Little Factory south of here... I wanna launch one really bad! (give him the Bottle Rocket) Wow! So this is a Bottle Rocket! I heard so much about them! I should be able to make more of these now. Come with me to the science lab."

Some things never change, like Loid's fetish for rockets. XD Loid had potential to be a little punk when you think about it. Stealing those rockets. He and Teddy have more in common than they think. :o GOD I LOVE TEDDY/LOID. I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. ;____________;



Loid: "Let's go visit Duncan's Factory later. I hear there's a really incredible rocket there."

He stammers a lot more in EB0, like he's stumbling trying to talk to his first friend. :o



Loid: "I bet people have been spreading rumors about how I'm a 'weakling stinkling' or a 'stupid head'...



Loid: "I can use the fuel from your rocket and... Then, if I use it with this... Pretty cool, huh? Ahh!"

Once again, Tomato's version makes more sense. Don't worry, Loid. Someday, when you get your own lab, you and Ninten can perform as many experiments together as you want. <.< *BRICK'D*

Finally, Loid's Dad:



Loid's Father: "Please keep Loid safe, okay? He IS a weakling, after all..."

WAY more concerned about his son than he was in EB0. Words change everything!

That'll be enough for now. Whew, I'm tired.

This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at http://shamanicshaymin.dreamwidth.org/109425.html. Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!

screencap misadventures, fandom, uh oh puri's thinking, gaming, fangirlism, earthbound 0, stuff only puri cares for, shipping

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