Here's photos of cosplayers from the Banned Books event at my campus, just as I promised. :3
Let's start off with Scarlett O'Hara and Rhett Butler, to give you an idea of what the costumes were like. There was a way bigger turn-out than last year! There's all sorts of comic book and graphic novel characters too, which you'll see in a bit.
When I asked for a "romantic shot," I meant between Rhett and Scarlett, but I got something even better. ;D
Frodo & Arwen! :D One of the girls chased after Frodo, squeeing "Oh my god, he looks like Augustus Waters!" Cue laughter from the crowd.
That's me in the blue shirt! (You can't tell 'cause it's blurry, but it's an "Internet is for Porn!" shirt that I got from seeing Avenue Q) The Comedian held my 2DS to take my picture. I have no idea who the other girl is, except she's a random student.
Katniss Everdeen!
I don't remember who this guy is. :( I think he's part of the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen? There were a lot of LoEG incarnations of several characters attending.
Like Mina Harker here.
King Max and one of his subjects! I'll be mentioning those two a lot. :D
Morpheus of the Sandman comics.
Rorschach at the computer. He should probably watch his back, considering Katniss is behind him. :o
Group shots!
Katniss and Arwen are so happy!
There was a superhero contest where students come in with their own costumes! Though this one's more of a supervillain, since she dressed as an anonymous Organization XIII member.
I missed some of the slashier moments while fumbling with my 2DS. This was the closest I got that wasn't too blurry. ;;
Rorschach snuck up on me while I was scribbling stuff in my notebook:
Rorschach: Hello.
Me: Hello. I'm a writer. I'm writing down the things around me. Then I put them down in books to show the world its shame.
Rorschach: *mumbling* That's what's up.
Me: Hm?
Rorschach: *mumbling* That's what's up. *points a finger at me* I'm Rorschach. I like you. I like your writing. Keep at it.
Wild Thing, forever alone.
Lady: *taking photos* Darling, no growling. One more. Beautiful. I'm sorry you're not feeling well.
Max: He's just tired. He got sent to bed without super. AGAIN. For causing a ruckus.
Max and a random student had a monster match and it was absolutely glorious. ;D
Max: I'll eat you up!
Student: I'll eat you up!
Max: I'll eat YOU up!
Student: I'll eat YOU up!
Max: I'LL EAT YOU UP! ...Go to bed without supper.
Goggles Dude wondering how on earth that parasol thingee works.
Dorian Gray being the smug bastard that he is.
But when it comes to harems, the Wild Thing has him beat!
Now the moment we've all been waiting for! I requested Dorian to lie on the floor like he's about to get eaten by the Wild Thing. I cackled gleefully.
*Ao Oni chase theme plays*
"Now kiss and make up."
This totally caught me by surprise! It was totally worth coming here for this moment alone~ ♥
Only a couple more days until Realmscon! I'm so excited. ;;
This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!