Puri’s Creepy Crossing - Episode 2 - Hitokui

Mar 12, 2014 02:18

Our next episode takes us to the second most infamous horror town, Hitokui. My family and I went to see the Lego Movie, and we had after-movie dinner at Applebees. I had a vanilla milkshake topped with fluffy whipped cream, a platter of crispy chicken tenders, and a batch of golden french fries sprinkled with salt. Too bad I was too full for dessert. I would've preferred dessert at Chili's anyway. Here, I would've ordered my all-time favorite treat, Molten Chocolate Cake. Molten Chocolate Cake is like a fluffy volcano of sweetness topped with a scoop of vanilla ice cream, which in turn is drizzled with magic shell. Inside the cake is molten chocolate "magma" and swirls around in your mouth like a delicious concoction. The chill of the ice cream with the heat of the cake and the cracked magic shell has me floating my way up to food heaven.

Hungry? Fear not. After this adventure, you'll never want to eat again.

If the Cannibal Holocaust theme is the town tune, I'm running the fuck out of here. D:

What's funny is that it'd actually be a fitting song to listen to while sitting under this tree. It's definitely peaceful... not what you're used to hearing from a horror theme.

"...have been served today." Note the gash on the lady's back.

In the town square, you get a broken umbrella and the choice to dress as either a policeman or a bride. It'd probably be safer to be the policeman, but I went as the bride, 'cause I like being pretty. :D

Translation: "My back hurts..."

This is the same woman who was walking by while I was under the tree. It looks like someone had axed her and she doesn't even know she's bleeding to death. Or has been. D:

Brr, it's cold. Stupid drippy umbrella.

I wonder if this stump has anything to do with the bride's story.

We're in a church! Let's look for clues.

You're supposed to be heartbroken, Nehema, not fangirling.

That's better.

There's something suspicious in that window. It's all squiggly.

Alas, lighting all the candles didn't make it much clearer.

Ugh, everything here is moldy and it stinks. Either the person living here is dead or really sloppy. And they left their bird behind. D:

I had no idea what this place was until I learned it was a confessional. Since I wasn't raised in a religious household, my knowledge on the subject is pretty much nil.

Oh god. The bird from downstairs was going to be used for this, wasn't it? D:

Someone cleaned the evidence, but left their animal-sacrifice axe behind. Good job, asshole.

Ohhhhh shit.

Translation: "Would you like a delicious meat dish?" or "Do you know what I use for the delicious meat dish?"

At first, I had no idea who this guy was, wondering if maybe he was the groom and he happened to be a chef. But nope. It's worse. Way worse.

This guy is actually Ed Gein. You know, the real-life serial killer who inspired such charming figures such as Norman Bates, Buffalo Bill, and Leatherface.


Hello waitress! I'm just window-shopping.

Here's the kitchen!

*Homer Simpson voice* Mmm... chocolate fountain... ♥

I've tried to get a closer look at the painting, but no luck. It looks like something that'd show up in a David Lynch film or something.

Another messy room. I wonder if the mayor turned off the Keep Hitokui Beautiful ordinance in order to purposely attract roaches.

Ladies and gentlemen? It looks like... we got to the "meat" of this story.


By the way, the song that plays here is K.K. Parade. Cooking people has never been so joyous! :D And look, someone's been inspired by Neil Gaiman's "Baby Cakes"!

You can do really disgusting things in Animal Crossing, as evidenced by this torso on the table.

...And sometimes, the unseen is the scariest of all.

Gross, human organs! I better leave this place before I get woozy. Maybe the villagers will calm me down...

L-Lucky? Tell me you're not part of this...

Oh god oh god oh god oh god.

You know, I've heard people joke about feeding pigs bacon. But this is nothing compared to a pig who gleefully cooks everyone, including humans and their own species.

Cobb is the creepiest Animal Crossing villager I've met thus far, and later episodes do not improve my opinion of him.

Cherry, on the other hand, looks like a victim, since she's covered up in bandages instead of wearing a bloody lab coat. While she might look intimidating at first, she's actually really nice.

The irony is hurting me. Cherry might not even know she's dead yet, like the lady in black from earlier, or she knows it and she's trying to make light of the situation.

Thinking about it further is making me cry. D:

Translation: "It/You won't escape... heehee…heeheehee…"

Fuck you, and choke on the next bag of dicks you eat. You're probably the one who murdered Cherry. >(

Roald seems to have escaped unscathed. That's good. Shell-shocked (and I don't blame him), but alive.

The vicious thing lurking in the doghouse is probably why.

Who are these guys in the flag? And wow, what an opportune moment to come outside, Cherry.

I'll say.

Now I know where to go for the final touches of my Mami Tomoe cosplay! *gets boo'd*

This is definitely what used to be the bride. As for the other two skeletons, I'll discuss later at the theory section in the end.

Another person who isn't dead or planning to eat me! Yay! And this guy has nothing to do with a certain lame Sonic creepypasta.

You, on the other hand, are still scary. Apparently she and Alli are plastered with ofuda. Hmm...

I need something that'll bring pleasant thoughts. This grave in what used to be part of the outdoor wedding is not helping.

Is this how the chefs lure their prey? With tourism?

Fancy-schmancy. Though I don't like how they've got a guy's skull on display.

Hospitals are my favorite places in the entire world! Hahahahaha!

Other than the bloodied bandages, nothing suspicious here.

I was taught in Biology that crabs have larger nerve cells than humans. I had a reason for bringing this up, but I don't remember what...

Nope. NOPE.


Things I've Missed: I've forgotten to do this on my visit to Hitokui, but if you rotate the camera enough beside the table with the bloodbag and hamster cage, you'll find a pillow made of flesh on the floor. It still has the eyeballs, teeth, and tongue of the victim(s).



Babies and pregnant moms aren't safe either, are they? Wouldn't surprise me. I bet you were just thrilled to make Mommy's last hours as horrific as possible so you could throw her baby into a pot of boiling water to cook it later.

Things I've Missed: Goodie for me, I didn't open the Jack-in-the-Box. I feel as comforted as a dental patient being told they only have five cavities instead of thirteen.

I've tried to get a better look at who was imprisoned at the other side with no luck. This definitely has to be the bride too. Apparently, she's a werewolf(?), and K.K. Lullaby is playing to calm her down...

Translation: "Who is that behind you?"

Just one of my many inner demons, ma'am. Or if you want to get meta, the player.

I always found nutcrackers kind of unsettling. Their jaws and the gnashing of their teeth, ick.

Zoinks! That katana is enchanted!

Looks like the victim didn't "see" that one coming. *rimshot*

At this point, I'm making lame puns just to cope. D:

A ceremony takes place here to the tune of K.K. Folk. It's a song that's resonated with me since I visited this room, because of how chilling it is in this context.

This does not look like a benevolent god. D:

Is this where all the ofuda are made?

...We should get out before something else terrible happens.

Things I've Missed: Behind the giant gravestone I showed you earlier is a buried wetsuit. Use it to swim to an isolated part of the beach where a present waits for you. Inside is a slip of paper with a fortune on it: "Today is not your day. Tomorrow doesn't look any better."

Thanks for stating the obvious, Hitokui.

So, onto the theories...

#1: Hard to Stomach

The bride and groom have heard great things about Hitokui, and decide to marry and settle there. The bride becomes pregnant, and that's when the villagers start acting weird. As the months roll by, her husband gets more and more stressed until he disappears without a trace. The wife is a member of the church, but it's only recently that she has become suspicious of their activities. One day, she discovers the animal sacrifices and the doll shrines, and the town decides that she knows too much (as indicated by the evil shadowy spirits). One day, a so-called "friend" invites her to dinner. Upon being told that she was served with what meat remained of her husband, the wife went mad. The villagers locked her downstairs, and on the day of delivery, they dragged her upstairs to butcher her and take the baby for cooking. The bones of the wife, husband, and child are buried outside together. You, the player, play the part of the bride or a policeman, trying to learn Hitokui's dark secrets.

#2: Lunch With the Devil

A story similar to the first happens, except either the bride was never pregnant, or her baby had been taken away from her and she was forcefed to eat her child as well as her husband. While stuck in prison as a future item on the menu, she uses knowledge as a priestess to summon a demon in secret. The demon turns her into a spirit so that she can escape and enact her revenge on the corrupt. When you arrive in Hitokui, you're seeing the state of the town JUST before she attacks, with the bandaged guy and the church people convinced that she's still imprisoned. If you thought it was a bloodbath now...

#3: Consuming Experimentation

Here's an awful Google translation of Hitokui:

(Or daughter) his wife was seriously ill to wait for death. The confusion on the eve of the death of a loved, he has become a man-eating monster that has an appearance like the beast she by the experimental treatment of madness. To return to the original beautiful appearance her, he creates a human beast of failure conduct experiments on humans to have kidnapped people. “Time” is necessary to treat her. He became immortal even her own body even if the lab bench.

So... the bride is deathly ill and the groom wants to find the cure. Problem is, his experiments have turned her into a monstrous creature that he has to keep downstairs, and he has to feed her humans and villagers in order to keep her alive. His obsession consumes him, and the bride and groom transform into man-eating spirits that haunt the town. The remaining residents panic, using drastic measures such as animal sacrifices to ward off the spirits.

#4: The Houses Aren't Related

This is one of the theories I've found that I think makes the most sense. The houses each represent an event that happened in Hitokui, though they're unrelated to each other as a whole. We've got a corrupt church, a shrine trying to ward off evil spirits, a hospital home to horrific experiments, and a cannibalistic restaurant. Even the whole bride & policeman thing could be a separate story that happened outside only. You could be trying to find where the bride's remains were buried and whodunnit (likely Ed Gein). Thus, the mayor of Hitokui has hit five birds with one stone. Five creepy stories in one creepy town.

Even with all these theories, I still don't understand Hitokui. But one thing I know for certain is that it gives me jitters. It's well-deserving of its infamy and it's one of my favorite horror towns to date, along with Aika.

Here's Anna from "Frozen" dancing to cheer you up.

Next Episode: Shachipanda

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gaming, *luigi sob*, screencap misadventures, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, too tired to tag, animal crossing

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