TW for racism

Jan 09, 2014 23:39

Why referring to the Romani people as 'gypsies' is a bad idea, and why you should listen if someone tells you you used a racial slur.

I have to commend this chick for keeping her cool as long as she did while dealing with those bigots. Especially when one of them spouts something like this:

Then my jaw drops to where he begins explaining to me how “nigger” isn’t a slur word at all. Originally, he lectures, it comes from the belief that all African-Americans were Nigerians.

Mine too, ma'am. Mine too.

I knew the Romani were hated, but I had no idea it was THIS bad in the present-day.

Burned girl a symbol of Roma hate and hope. Whatever the hell you do, don't read the comments.

A few of them are basically, "WAAAAAAH WHAT ABOUT THE 13-YEAR-OLD WHITE BOY WHO GOT BEATEN UP AND MUGGED BY ROMA KIDS? I DON'T SEE YOU BRINGING THAT UP!!!!11!1" Shut the fuck up. Nobody deserves to be beaten or set on fire. And way to miss the point of the article; trying to burn a child to death, no matter what her race, is immoral. But I guess you don't care, since she would've totally grown up to beat up poor innocent white children for their money if the far-right extremists hadn't intervened. ghjkaghkjdsghkjdshge

I also like how bigots stereotype certain races as "lazy" when they don't even allow jobs for those races in the first place. Or how people see the Roma as "happy nomads" when in reality, they had to keep moving around because they kept being kicked out of their homes by bigots who don't welcome them. GEE I WONDER WHOSE FAULT THAT REALLY IS.

gkjdsghdsakjghkfjdghkfjdb fuck humanity.

This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!

people augh noes, irl, *hedgehog hiss*, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, internet, horror!!1, fuck you

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