We tremble and spin, suspended within

Oct 09, 2013 23:26

Sadly, Sydney hasn't come home to us yet, and we don't know if he ever will. :( But the most unusual thing happened today! While I was at university, Dad was cleaning his car, and this large dog jumped into the back seat and wouldn't leave. :o We don't know what breed she is yet, but she's got a black and silver coat with brown eyes and she's very pretty. ;; She's got wounds around her neck though, like someone kept her tight on a leash or something. :( She seems really starved for affection; she's constantly kissing us and is very sweet. She doesn't even chase the chickens in the backyard like Freddie does. :o Usually she's sleeping or drinking a lot of water, but so far hasn't eaten much, even when given a doggie treat. She follows Mom into her room and doesn't ever want to leave her side. :o She's thin, but thankfully not emaciated. We have no idea if she's lost or escaped from a bad home or what. Either way, we're looking up suitable names for her. :o So far, we're considering Cosette, since she's a beautiful kindly doggie that we saved from the streets. ;;

Mom took a picture of her with Dad, so I hope I'll be able to upload it and share with everyone soon.

I don't know if I'll be joining Yuletide this year. Not a whole lot of fandoms interest me except Dynamite Headdy, Gender/Sexbent Disney by Ripushko, Madoka, and maybe Space Funeral and Candle Cove. And I don't feel like attempting Twisted Princesses again until Twisted Olivia exists. :P Wasn't there a lot of wank at Yuletide last year too? I dunno, but I heard stories. *shrug* I'm more interested in the Pokemon Exchange, which I'll link to next post, nom.

Back to improving my sleep patterns. I dunwanna study for my midterrrrm... *cries*

This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at http://shamanicshaymin.dreamwidth.org/70452.html. Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!

fandom, pokémon, too tired to tag, family, uh oh puri's thinking

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