TW: Rape, victim-blaming, suicide, misogyny.

Jun 14, 2013 03:22

What the hell does
fandomsecrets have against Amanda Palmer? I don't know that much about her (other than that she married Neil Gaiman and a few Dresden Doll songs), but seriously. This is the closest comprehensive information I can get without angry anons getting carried away frothing at the mouth.

So everything that happened with her ex? Not cool. Not cool at all. The EvelynEvelyn thing? Sketchy as hell, and the way she "responded" to Feminists With Disabilities was inconsiderate. But holy shit, her haters are obnoxious.

It's one thing to hate a person, especially for the problematic things that they've done. But then there's claiming that she's "pretending to be a rape survivor for attention," wanting her to be raped and decapitated while the world rejoiced, and how wishing those things upon her is a-okay because she is not a human being, but a "rodent."

Thank god for a few of the anons that called them out on their despicable behavior. Seriously, those guys remind me of Twihaters. You know, people who dedicate their entire energy hating Twilight and Stephanie Meyer to the point where they become just as annoying as Twihards, but in a different way.

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people augh noes, *hedgehog hiss*, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, internet

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