"I'm going to be awesome so I'll never be lonely again."

Feb 27, 2013 17:46

Last night I finished reading "Madoka Magica: A Different Story." Or as I call it, "Puella Magi Mami Magica."

Different Story explores one of the failed timelines with a simple question: What if Mami had survived beyond Episode 3?

A ton of character development for Mami and Kyouko that they couldn't squeeze into the Anime, nom.

The first chapter is an adaptation of one of the CD Dramas where Mami takes in Kyouko as her student. (Which is good for me, since I usually don't listen to CD Dramas) We get a little peek at Kyouko's family, and as expected, everything goes to hell. Kyouko's dad flips out and commits suicide with his family, Kyouko's become a cynic, and Mami is lonely once again. Which sets up for the rest of the story...

I thought the way Mami and Kyouko's relationship in ADS was quite well done. It had a lot of rocky spots, and the way it slowly healed was a light in the darkness once BSODs came crashing in. Kyouko's change of heart struck me as abrupt in the Anime, but it felt a lot more believable in ADS. Sayaka's arc was well-done too, and I'm glad that they shifted more of the focus on "Wow, some warrior of justice I am, I'm a selfish git" rather than the stupid love triangle. What would have happened if she decided to tell Kamijou the whole story though? Maybe because she was afraid Kamijou would reject her like Kyouko's father did? Maybe she didn't want Kamijou to feel "obligated" toward her, especially since Hitomi already confessed her feelings for him? That said, with Mami's confession to Sayaka that she wasn't as strong as she pretended to be, and Sayaka being okay with that, I liked that scene. So later when Mami was trying to commit suicide by crawling into Oktavia's barrier because, "Sayaka is the only one to accept me as who I am" is... ouch. :(

Mami's a lot more human in this now that she's been given more spotlight. The "I must be the Cool Big Sis Obi-Wan figure so I'll never be lonely again, and if they find out about my flaws and that I didn't want to be a warrior of justice, they won't want to be friends with me anymore" thing I could find relatable, since I believed (and still do) that as long as I was knowledgeable and good at something, and people looked up to me because of that, I felt good and worthy of their friendship. Mami needs all the hugs in the world, because damn. *Luigi sob*

Madoka works a lot better as a background character than a main, haha. XD Maybe because it's easier for me to think "Eh, she doesn't seem to be much, like she said herself." and later when she reveals she was secret friends with Kyouko and Homura's memories of her from other timelines, "Wow, she must really be something special." Which increases the awe when she becomes Godoka in the series, you know? When she tells Mami that she doesn't have to fight anymore and that she'll go in her stead, that was a wibbly moment. For once in the entire timeline, Mami felt freedom. Oh yeah, Homura and Sayaka actually getting along and finding something in common (both wanting to protect Madoka) during the fight against Walpurgisnacht, dang. That made me smile.

Then we've got a good ol' bittersweet ending. I say bittersweet because while Mami committed suicide after Madoka became a magical girl, her farewell note was largely positive and she wrote that she was glad that she got to meet all the girls. Then her final wish was hoping she could see them again in a world without witches. Which considering the finale in the Anime, that wish comes true. :)

It makes me think, why the hell isn't this in the Anime itself? Then again, I guess it would be difficult to squeeze in without fucking up the pacing and ruining a lot of spoilers. ADS works best after you've seen the entire show. I'd still like to see this animated though, maybe as a second season. :o

I think I ship Mami/Kyouko now. And Mami/Kyouko/Sayaka. And a Madoka/Homura/Mami/Kyouko/Sayaka OT5.

Basically, if you're a fan of Madoka Magica, I highly recommend ADS. It can all be read at mangafox when you've got spare time, nomnomnom. :)

This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at http://shamanicshaymin.dreamwidth.org/49437.html. Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!

omaigaawd, *luigi sob*, puella magi madoka magica, animé/manga, uh oh puri's thinking

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