Iago the parrot kills lady boners.

Jun 05, 2012 06:09

Jimmy and I were delayed by three days, since we couldn't see each other on the weekend or Monday, but when we met up yesterday, it was totally worth it. ♥ And what does he do after I read him Sonadow badfic? He looks for a .pdf of "50 Shades of Grey" to download, saying he'll read it to me once I get on Skype. Le sigh. He was surprised and disgusted that there were three books though. XD Poor Jimmy, you claim to be so logical and jaded, but you still have your naive moments.

Speaking of 50 Shades of Grey, here's a dramatic reading by Gilbert Gottfried. (NSFW, audio-wise)

I'd buy the audiobooks in a heartbeat if he ever did the entire series.

Edit: Check out the English beta names for the first 150 Pokemon!. Some of those names are... really bad. "Att"/"Lantis" for Kabuto/Kabutops? "Hocus"/"Pocus" for Abra/Kadabra? Really? "Foxfire" for Vulpix, wow so creative. :/ It's interesting how many of them retained their Japanese names though, like "Pudding"/Jigglypuff and "Lucky"/Chansey. Koffing and Weezing are referred to as "NY" and "LA"... New York and Los Angeles respectively. Dang, that's harsh. :o Meanwhile, Marowak is "Guardia", which immediately makes me want to make "Chrono Trigger" jokes.

I'll admit "Aria" is cute for Clefairy though. But then they got lazy and just added "la" at the end for Clefable's name, so I'm glad those names were ditched. :P

This post has been crossposted with Dreamwidth at http://shamanicshaymin.dreamwidth.org/25249.html. Pick your poison. Mwoiiiiiiiing~!

wow!, pokémon, reading, lulz, video, old*sk00l

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