NaNoWriMo '11

Oct 04, 2011 19:05

I've been meaning to do this since the beginning of October, but I got distracted. Hours of my life got gobbled up by GPX+. Fuck. So without further ado, my plans for NaNoWriMo 2011! Indeed, I has them. I wasn't sure if I'd be able to join this year due to NaNo'10 (which has become my top project), but who knows, NaNo'11 might be able to help with that. This year will be fanfic! Yay! :D

1. Captain N: The Reboot. Captain N: The Game Master. Great premise, the worst possible execution ever. (Though I admit Mother Brain being voiced by Audrey II has its short-term amusement) In this "reboot" of Captain N, Kevin still has adventures in Video Land, except the worlds and characters he visits will be much more faithful to their original video game counterparts. On top of visiting Hyrule, the Mushroom Kingdom, and other familiar locales (from NES to Gameboy to Wii), he'll be in worlds of indie classics (like Eversion, Braid, Yume Nikki and Cave Story) along with more obscure games (such as Clock Tower, Dynamite Headdy, Twinbee and Ristar).

Basically: Kingdom Hearts meets Angry Video Game Nerd.

Our main cast: Kevin aka Captain N, his dog Duke, Princess Lana, Kid Icarus, Simon (Pit and the original Simon Belmont are separate entities that the gang meet in their respective worlds. Needless to say, Derp!Simon would feel quite insecure) and to replace Megaman in the cartoon and Samus in the comics... the Kid. That's right. The Kid from I Wanna Be the Guy! His purpose is to constantly die and regenerate on the spot, hence he's used as a shield or projectile against potential video game threats. :D Believe me, the N Team needs the Kid. Especially for the Shadowgate episode. ("I'm not sure if this is the right answer to the puzzle... here Kid, you go first!") Gameboy doesn't exist. :D

With more video games comes more villains. Not only does the N Team have Mother Brain, King Hippo and Eggplant Wizard to deal with, they've got evil mastermind Uboa to worry about. What's this? Looks like Master Hand and Crazy Hand might be involved...

Why it would be fun: Whoo, video game meta! I mostly love the idea of writing The Kid, who's an eternal happy derpface and never learns anything because he's always dying and getting reset. Since the series is a comedy, writing about the N Team freaking out in horror-themed games such as Clock Tower would be a blast. X3
Why it would suck: I can't sit through a single episode of Captain N without feeling like I've lost a bucket full of braincells. The characters are either bland as fuck or annoying as fuck, so writing them... would be difficult. If I wrote this fic, roughly 98.99% of Captain N's original canon would be thrown out the window, much like the original creators of the show didn't give a fuck about video games in the first place ("Samus? Never heard of her." --Actual Words) So would Captain N be Captain N in name only? Ouch. You could put original characters in their place, but that would suck.
Likelihood: 1 out of 5. The idea's been hanging in the back of my head for about a year, but I doubt if I'd write it anytime soon, if at all.

2. Supernatural ghost story trying to tie together the canons of G/S/C and HG/SS. Inspired by a prompt left at pokanon: Probably kind of a weird prompt, but the idea has been gnawing at my brain for the past two days and I'm no writer.

Eusine is your regular, fabulous Mysticalman; travelling all over the Kanto-Johto region, looking for Suicune, randomly crashing at Morty's...
The problem?
Eusine is dead, and he hasn't realized it yet.
Maybe it's pure, unadulterated denial, maybe he can't be at peace for some reason (not having fulfilled his dream?)... either way, not even the fact only a handful of people (Morty and the PC, mostly) are able to see him seems to be able to tip him off.
And Morty really doesn't know how to break it to him.

I'll leave the rest to any potential writeranon (when/how he died, how he realizes he's not *exactly* there, whether it's a bromance or a romance, if the PC is Lyra or Ethan (or even Kris) ... etc etc). I'd just... really love to see something based on that premise.
Bonus points if it's not completely soul-crushingly depressing and you manage to work some humour into it. :U

TL;DR: gameverse Morty/Eusine; Eusine is actually a ghost in denial who won't move on, and Morty has to deal with it. Anon has weird ideas. Everyone lives happily ever after (or not).

Naturally, my Sacredshipping self is squealing over how awesome and original this idea is. And how interesting it was that only the player characters only really interact with Eusine. Namely Kris. Which led to a dark thought: What if Kris was a ghost too? Is that why she can see Eusine? What about the couple you get their numbers from in Kanto who claim to have seen him? Were they doomed lovers? What if the reason Lyra could see Eusine is because she's Kris's reincarnation? I know it sounds cliched as hell, but bear with me here. I will mention two words: Lost Silver. Why are Lyra and Ethan so different yet so alike from Kris and Gold anyway?

Mini-Subplot: Gold wanted to be "The Very Best That No One Ever Was" and left his home to fulfill the plot of G/S/C. He goes to Mt. Silver to challenge Red, and though he wins, no one has heard of him again. Likewise, Kris wants to "Catch Them All!" She uses the Time Capsule and no one has heard of her again. Flash forward three years later, where we meet Ethan and Lyra (called "Heart" and "Soul" in the NaNo) They have some sort of connection to Gold and Kris, but what? Why is Silver still around and why is he especially testy around them?

HELLO DECONSTRUCTION TROPES. May or may not still have wibbly Morty/Eusineness, I'll just have to see where the plot goes if I carry out this idea at all.

Why it would be fun: The pokanon prompt speaks for itself. Ghost stories! :D I love the thought of tying in Lost Silver elements and I already want to make up and develop teams for Soul and Kris and give personalities to their Pokemon and waaah. If there's Sacredshipping, it will be bawl-worthy. And it'd give me a golden opportunity to share my Eusine headcanon, which I always meant to write a fic about but hadn't.
Why it would suck: I don't want this to be your typical "trainer's journey" fic, too dull. 'Sides, wasn't this prompt about Eusine again? I wanna write about him and Morty, and I don't want the player characters to hog the focus. >( Plus there's a billion Lyra & Kris theories and those have been done to death, and the word "replacement" makes me twitch. Uggggh, so cliche. X( I'm not really crazy about Gold and Ethan as player protagonists either, and am much more interested in the girls. In a nutshell, I want the supernatural side of the story, and don't want to slip into common tired Pokemon fic devices, aka They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot.
Likelihood: 3 1/2 out of 5.

3. Super Smash Bros. AU with the rules of Madokaverse. What if the Smashers were all Puella Magi? What if Master Hand and Crazy Hand were Incubators, and heroes and villains alike have signed contracts with them to fight for a wish? What if Tabuu was a witch gone out of control and has become the Smashverse equivalent of Walpurgis Night? Here, trophies come to life and fight in the stadium. Should they refuse, their Soul Gems will become corrupted...

Why it would be fun: I've become a sucker for Madokaverse AUs lately. It's a great way to get into character's heads (what kind of wish would they want with all their heart to become a Puella Magi?) and the psychological turmoil they go through as a result of that wish. And dude, what would their witch forms and their realms be like? The Madoka AUs feel so personalized and that's what interests me about them. And of course, I don't limit this to young girls. HEY MARIO. HEY SONIC. WANT TO SIGN A CONTRACT? I also like the idea that becoming a Puella Magi doesn't necessarily make you a hero, and that you can make a wish and fight wishes for selfish purposes... which I'm showing through the villains in Smash Bros, such as Bowser and Ganondorf. Cue the realization that everyone's been screwed by the Incubators. TIME TO WORK TOGETHER NOW. I've said it a billion times, but it bears repeating: holy fuck, it fascinates me.

Plus it'd increase the woobiness tenfold. Lucas anyone? ;;

Why it would suck: Holy crap, so many canons I'm unfamiliar with! I'd have to do some research if I'm going to shine at least a little spotlight on everyone without shafting anybody. (I'd probably pick a select cast for focus on for my sanity, but I dunwanna fall into the trap about writing only the Zelda characters/FE cast/pretty boys & girls that's common in Smashfic, though I'm more likely to focus on Kirby/Pokemon/Mother/Mario cast while everyone else is more or less overshadowed. XDD;;;) Balance goddammit! Balance is tricky. That's why I like having a smaller cast in my stories. X( And I'd probably fudge around with the rules of Madokaverse a bit, so it wouldn't be hundred percent accurate. Hell, the prime example being that boys get contracted as well. XD

And it'd require me replaying Brawl again, which I haven't done in a while, but I've played it so much before, I don't want to be bored to tears just to canon review. XD
Likelihood: 4 out of 5. Dear god, this idea is too awesome to pass up. tl;dr PURI WANTS MADOKA AU.

Gah, I've been starting to feel crummy and lazy lately. Am not happy about this. I wanna get out more, but the weather is terrible. :/

fandom, pokémon, uh oh puri's thinking, super smash bros., fanfiction, nanowrimo, stuff only puri cares for, writing

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