Creators of Adventure Time: What do you think of Bubblegum/Marceline? I don't watch much television anymore (except MLP, and even then on YouTube), let alone Adventure Time, but the idea of a lesbian couple in a kid's cartoon being portrayed positively instead of freaky/weird? YES PLZ.
Hell, the song Marceline sings is damned awesome.Unfortunately
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If that's not a gay icon, I don't know what is.
...BRB gonna call them and demand more Rainicorns.
Rainicorns 4Evah.
Also thank goodness I found another fan of T&EASGJ. It's a love it or hate it thing, but I LOVE it. Salame and such.
Salame to you too! Love those Corinians.
After doing a thorough analysis of your LJ (I perused it for a good minute...maybe even a full two), and I apologize if this might be a bit forward of me, but would it be alright if I friend you? You seem like an individual of fine taste.
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