'Bout time I answered this!

Aug 29, 2011 20:30

Comment to this post asking for a list, and I will give you five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back at me). Other people (including me~) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.

ceasefire gave me: Pokemon, hedgehog hiss, Lucario, Nine Inch Nails, Morty/Eusine.

Pokemon: Ahh, Pokemon. One of my earliest fandoms ever (in fact, it was my gateway to fanfiction) and still going strong! :D I'll never forget getting Blue version on my 11th birthday. And I never forgot the hours I spent on Smash Bros. 64 with Jigglypuff. People who complain about Pokemon past the original 151 Pokemon need to gtfo. SCRAFTY. SHAYMIN. ABSOL. MILOTIC. GALLADE. LILLIGANT. HOW CAN YOU IGNORE SUCH BADASS POKEMON. Oh yeah, and Togekiss. Mwoiiiiiiing~ ♥

Hedgehog hiss: It's no secret that I love hedgehogs. This has become a bit of a meme for me. Whenever a hedgehog IRL is scared or upset by something, they do something called "puffing" where they curl into a spiky little ball and make strange hissy sounds. Back when my parents had a hedgehog (to which they regret to this day), I used to tap on poor Sylvie's tank to hear her hiss. :o Nowadays, how do I react to something that displeases or horrifies me? Hedgehog hiss, of course. Here's what it sounds like:

image Click to view

Lucario: LUCARIO MAKES ME CRY. No seriously, I love Lucario. I think I started falling for him when he became one of my best-used characters in Brawl. There was something about him that seemed... cool. Plus Riolu is goddamn adorable. I heard a lot of good things about the Lucario movie, and up to that point, I had only seen the first three Pokemon movies and the Darkrai one. Rise of Darkrai was okay, but I felt it could've been a lot better. But when I watched the Lucario movie? I instantly fell. in. love.

I haven't felt touched by a Pokemon movie character since Mewtwo. Lucario just breaks my heart into itty bitty little pieces and patches them all up again regardless. Plus his expressions are adorable. ;;

"I do not ship Human/Pokemon pairings. I refuse. I will not ever. *watches Lucario* ...Oh fuck. *bawls*"

My Pokemon OTP, ladies and gents. I am a weak, weak soul and I don't regret it. ;;

Oh yeah, and my OTP shares chocolate. :D *moves on before it turns into an Aaron/Lucario lovepost--too late*

Nine Inch Nails: One of my long-running favorite bands and counting! :D Around her mid-teens, Puri was getting into "dark" music, and who better to fit the bill? I also got to see Trent Reznor on my first rock concert~ ♥ There's a lot of classic songs I adore, from songs that break my heart ("Hurt", "Something I Can Never Have"), to the badass ("The Becoming", "Head Like a Hole"), to downright creepy nightmare fuel ("Reptile") to the unexpected song that makes me wibble ("The Fragile") and finally just being damn addictive ("Closer"). My favorite albums? The Downward Spiral and Year Zero. Fuck yeah~ ♥

Morty/Eusine: My Johto OTP and definitely one of my favorite Pokemon pairings. :D Back in the G/S/C days, I wasn't that interested in Crystal after being disappointed I couldn't catch Celebi on it (like you could in Japan). That, and I thought Eusine looked like a creeper and I wasn't too interested in him. XD One day, zarla shared a lot of random files on her journal, and one of them was an animated icon of Morty and Eusine with the text, "Sometimes, I just don't think that you understand." Bear in mind, I was a Morty fangirl and he was my favorite Gym Leader since I first knew he used Ghost types. I thought, "Wait a minute, when did those two know each other?" Apparently, I heard they were friends in the games, and as the icon implied, had slashy subtext together. Puri grew curious.

Then the day came when HG/SS came out. Puri met Eusine and couldn't help fall in love with his derpy fanboy ways. The more I thought about him and Morty together, the more it just felt right. They share the same interests while being foil enough to increase the tension, and there was enough friendship and love to go along with the angst and drama. Not to mention speculating about their relationship and what goes on in the lives of those two men is a lot of fun for me. You can imagine my disappointment when I watched the Anime episode they were in and Eusine was nothing like the guy I liked in the games; he was a massive hypocritical jerk who was mean to Morty and it wasn't how I pictured their relationship at all. D:

The games, on the other hand, provide so much potential, and this is the universe I ship Morty/Eusine in~ ♥ Here's some of my favorite fanarts:

They must've been the dorkiest, cutest kids in the world. ;;

Of course~ ♥♥♥

Modoka/Homura is totally becoming my OTP, guys. ;; /will upload more icons later

pokémon, my darling songbird shaymin~ ♥, shipping, meme

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