Whoooooo originals!

Jun 09, 2011 04:41

Save for filling out a little form as part of an assignment, Puri has spent the day making ponies of her own characters from her book-in-progress. :P Well, two actually. I left NaNo '09 on hold for a long time, and I felt compelled to make ponies of the two main protagonists. :o

So, anyone played Eversion? If so, you get the general idea. I loved the concept of traveling between dimensions as the same landscape flourishes and decays, and I thought, "Hey, wouldn't it be neat to read a book like that?" So Puri decided to write it~ ♥ No princesses here, but considering Eversion and NaNo '09, that's probably a good thing. :P

Matryoshka (placeholder title) aka NaNo '09 is about a paranoid, tough-as-nails woman named Marcella Pike who lives alone with her pet pig Balrog in the middle of nowhere. One sunset, Balrog charges off into the Sunflower Labyrinth, where Marcella discovers a bizarre-looking man staked to a pole. After she saves his life, he introduces himself as Braid, and confirms Marcella's suspicions that he's not from this world. Strange forces are hunting after Braid, and the fabric of reality is tearing at the seams. It's up to Marcella and Braid to work together to solve the merging of the dimensions and cease them from being swallowed in its own Mobius strip...

...So here's Braid and Marcella, as ponies. Puri won her first year at NaNoWriMo through lots of padding with song lyrics and deleting contractions, and the book is still nowhere done, figures without introducing a lot of characters, so those two carried pretty well as leads~ ♥ As a human, Braid's meant to be scarecrow-like, more like Skull Kid/Orko in a sense. His eyes are supposed to be completely orange, but that didn't look too good when I tried to Photoshop that in, so Pony!Braid's eyes were left alone. I'm happy how Marcella turned out, she's meant to be stocky, and her expression fits her perfectly. :)

Braid's cutie mark is one of the dreamcatcher eyeballs that follows you around in Au Sable, another freeware game inspiring Matryoshka. :o Braid has the special gift of detecting portals which enable him to travel between dimensions, coming across unlucky victims lost between worlds and guiding them home. Hence, he gets a horn for his supernatural powers. :) Marcella's cutie-mark is the eye from Eversion. 'Nuff said. :P

Then came along NaNo '10 and Puri got distracted by ragdolls. SORRY NANO '09. I'LL MAKE IT UP TO YOU LATER, I PROMISE. You'll probably be published first, anyway. XD

Excuse the lazy job I did on her stockings. :P It was REALLY hard trying to pick a good mane-style for both Raggedys--nothing looked remotely right. Nothing messy/stringy enough while still being the length I wanted. Ugh. Yes, if Raggedy Ann & Andy were ponies, their manes and tails would be made of yarn. :P Oh well. I did the most I could to make her recognizable. :/ Also, Ann's candy heart just screams, "LIVE ACTION CUTIE-MARK!" That is all. I wrote "I LOVE YOU" with my laptop touchpad. What a pain in the ass. XD

Poor Andy is stuck as a colorswap, save for a different smile, a cap, and a paper flower cutie-mark. Hush, it totally represents his courage and kindness. :P

Our scary, horrible, nutcracker villain, Dr. Medlock! Picking out his mane style was... interesting. Aside from the ones that made Derpy Live-Action!Batman & Robin look competent, there were some that made him look like Sephiroth. If he was a pony. But this looks freaky/accurate enough, and I'm happy with his expression. :) If you see anypony with a scalpel for a cutie-mark, run far, far away.

Marius! Illusionist marionette of many transformations, from crafty apprentice to valuable ally. Like Pony!Braid, he's a unicorn because he can do magic. :) Stage magic, but magic. It was easy to pick out Marius's mane and tail, but not so much for the color of his body. He was initially gonna be red (I wanted him spindly like a puppet, but also to look elegant, not emo. XD), but he looked too much like Pokey from Gumby. :P It's only his vest that's red anyway, so that's more like a saddle. :P Card suits for the cutie-mark, 'cause he's got plenty of tricks up his sleeve~

I don't talk often enough about my other characters in the novel other than Marius (and maybe Dr. Medlock), and it does make me feel bad. Mostly 'cause they're still under development, but I ought to give them some more spotlight so it won't seem like I'm playing favorites and keep beating Marius until he becomes a Wesley. :P

That said, let's start with one of the earliest characters to show up in my novel, Virginia. She's one of two characters so far who are based off dolls I grew up with as a kid... "Dawn" is the only ragdoll I've ever had, everyone else were stuffed animals/Easter rabbits/teddy bears, nom. She was gift for me from one of my grandmothers and I always liked her. She's still sharing the bed with me to this day. :o Virginia's design is driving me bonkers because I can't make up my mind what she looks like. I keep envisioning her as a redhead with a blue sundress, (aka the Fire Red/Leaf Green Lady sprite, which I always thought was pretty) but auuugh, I'm getting too many characters who wear blue. But when I adjust Virginia to be more like Dawn, it feels weird because they're two different personalties. Here, she's got Dawn's dirty-blonde hair and orange sunhat (again, I can't make up the color on. Orange? Yellow? White?) and Virginia's blue sundress. They wear the same black shoes, so no worries there. Doesn't help Virginia changes outfits halfway ANYWAY but yeah I said too much.

Long ago, Virginia lived with a girl named Annie (CONNECTIONS OH HO HO) along with her surrogate family (an Easter bunny and a nutcracker that Annie deemed as "her parents") until they were tragically lost in a fire. Since coming to the museum, however, she heard news that her father still survived and currently resided in one of the rooms. So she set out looking for him, and that was when she met Raggedy Andy, who was also looking for family. Little did Virginia know what her father had become after the fire, or what he was currently experimenting on her new friend's sister...

Adding her cutie-mark does make me think a little more about her personality. She's gone though some rough times, rain and shine, and she always has her parasol to defend herself with. :o I couldn't resist the Perry cameo from Super Princess Peach, so here he is. :3

Vienna (placeholder name) is a stuffed elephant previously found hanging at carnivals as the grand prize for winning those rigged shooting games. :P Like Virginia, is one of the first friends Andy makes on his quest to save Ann. Initially, I was going to throw her out because I thought she was useless (she was a boy creatively named "Jumbo"), but after making some modifications, I decided I rather liked her, so here in the story she stays. :o She's often extremely nervous and timid, and Andy is pretty much the first true friend she ever makes. And the friends she does make, she takes seriously, and shows surprising amounts of courage when it is up to her to protect them. (Note: Do NOT trigger Vienna by starting to beat anyone she cares about to a bloody pulp. You will not like it.) While everyone, namely the Raggedys, take turns passing the Break The Cutie Hot Potato, Vienna is the queen of Beware the Nice Ones. No ifs, ands or buts about it.

Let's just say that Vienna is what happens when you put Dumbo and Carrie together. No flying or psychic powers. Just violence and friendship.

Not much pony-like about Cassidy, 'cause he's a teddy bear. My teddy bear, as a matter of fact. 8) "Cussy" was like my own personal Woody. I always carried him around, I even brought him with me on vacations when I went to see my relatives. He's still on my bed, knowing he's being loved even if he looks disgruntled about it~ ♥ (I took pictures of him and several of my other plushies eons and eons ago, I just can't find them now. Auuuugh) While Dawn & Virginia are shaky, the spirit of Cussy is in Cassidy through and through. Cassidy is the gruff but soft-hearted individual whose job was to look for lost toys and guide them back to the nursery. Concerned about the upheaval of missing toys and the arrival of strange beings known as "chimeras", Cassidy is instructed to be the guardian of our heroes as they investigate the matter and figure out how to save Ann and everyone else who's captured. Not only is he the bruiser of the party, he's best with first-aid too. :o

That's about it for now! Well... okay, one more thing.

I couldn't resist making pony versions of the Camel With the Wrinkled Knees. All that's missing are his humps. <.<;;; The first one I put a blue background on is Book!Camel, aka who I call Derp!Camel or Bidoof!Camel. I mean... look at him. He's totally Bidoof! :B I say it with affection, of course. The second one is Movie!Camel, known for Happy-Happyism, woobieness, and LSD. Either way, I rather like this guy. I'm reading the Raggedy Ann & Andy books just for Ann & Andy themselves, but the Camel kinda grew on me, and he appeared in one book. wat. Ensemble Dark Horse, indeed.

I have no idea if he'll be in my novel or not. If the Camel does show up in a major role, it'll only be in flashback. I just can't picture him ending up in the museum. And I can't imagine him without both Raggedy Ann & Andy by his side. Save for several scenes, those ragdolls are going to be separate from each other. With the Camel, it just wouldn't be the same without both Ann & Andy sharing friendship and equal screentime with him. And dude, I've got plot threads sproutin'. Yikes. Gotta concentrate on one thing at a time.

Wow, I went on forever. :o I better get to bed. XD

...This is why I'm going to hell.

novel stuff, raggedy ann & andy, spam, my little pony: friendship is magic, stuff only puri cares for, writing, photoshop

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