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Nov 13, 2010 17:53

Vorsatrix: Apparently the creator of IWBTG believes that it's something other than an impossibly difficult platformer.
Greenband Jiggly: Pffft.
Greenband Jiggly: Satire? :P
Vorsatrix: No, no.
Vorsatrix: I mean the creator of IWBTG takes his own game seriously.
Vorsatrix: And thinks it's possible to beat and we just suck if we can't.
Greenband Jiggly: Quick! Teach IWBTG as literature in schools!
Greenband Jiggly: Hell, I'd teach Earthbound 0, Earthbound AND Mother 3 as literature. I'm not kidding.
Greenband Jiggly: That's how hardcore the series is.
Vorsatrix: Jesus.
Vorsatrix: I really need to play this series, don't I?
Vorsatrix: Should I start with Earthbound 0?
Greenband Jiggly: I recommend Earthbound first. EB0 will be a lot more enjoyable, especially since it'll shed a different light on the game having played the SNES game first.
Greenband Jiggly: Earthbound is a lot more humorous and easier to play.
Vorsatrix: But wasn't EB0 released first?
Vorsatrix: Or was it a prequel?
Greenband Jiggly: EB0 is released first. I'm just giving a recommended order. :3
Greenband Jiggly: Mother 3 should be saved for last since it's the BAM! of the series.
Greenband Jiggly: And it's also the most dramatic.
Greenband Jiggly: Giygas should be a complete mystery to you until after you beat Earthbound. Then you play EB0 to learn about his backstory.
Vorsatrix: Gigyas?
Greenband Jiggly: The main antagonist of EB0 and EB.
Greenband Jiggly: There are two antagonists in EB: your past best friend/rival/enemy Pokey Minch (referred to as Porky in Japan) and Giygas.
Greenband Jiggly: With Mother 3 and Giygas's defeat, Pokey takes up the reins completely.
Vorsatrix: Oh lawdy.
Vorsatrix: So he's either a cartoon pig or a claymation horse.
Greenband Jiggly: That's right! XD
Greenband Jiggly: And either way, he's a fat bastard.
Vorsatrix: Awesome.
Greenband Jiggly: Basically he goes from being an annoying little kid to a mega cooperate to an evil dictator. No kidding.
Greenband Jiggly: Think Gary, but evil.
Vorsatrix: And fat, apparently.
Greenband Jiggly: AND a complete monster.
Vorsatrix: And a partridge in a pear tree.
Greenband Jiggly: Pfffft. XDDDD

I can't wait to show James the Mother series~ ♥

fandom, fanfiction, chatlog, earthbound, gaming, neeeeews!, fangirlism, earthbound 0, writing

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