(no subject)

Nov 03, 2010 09:43

Note to self: STOP READING CREEPYPASTAS AND GET BACK TO NANO. You're a day late already. 'Sides, the pastas are making you paranoid.

Speaking of creepy games, I watched most of a Squeenix game called Nanashi no Game. It's got an interesting premise about a cursed video game that kills people if they don't beat it in the time limit. (Basically, THE RING WITH VIDEO GAMES!!11!1) The gameplay looks kind of eh though. :/ Screw the live-action parts, I wanna skip ahead to the TS DS bits with the sprites and glitchy graphics! Which has an earworm of a theme by the way. It's so pretty and I can't stop listening to it. :o


Morty's in a bit of a dilemma, as you can see. How can he choose between Eusine and Falkner? He'd rather hold off on the decision.

You have to admit they both have good arguments. One is vocal about their feelings, and while slightly obsessive, he's passionate and will devote his entire life to the person he loves. The other hasn't come to terms with his own feelings yet and comes across as cold and serious, but is firmly roosted on values and honor and will protect you and defend your name to the death. According to TVTropes, Falkner's Betty (sweet best friend) and Eusine's Veronica (sensual, exciting).

One's a Gym Leader, the other's a researcher of Legendary Pokemon. When the cards come down, they will compete.

"Can't we be civil to each other please? You're killing me. Actually, keep at it. You two are turning me on."

No offense Morty, you're the only one who ships them.

In the end, it all works out~ ♥ If there's one thing Eusine & Falkner can agree with, it's that they can stand each other's presence long enough to share Morty and keep him happy. Of course, they still don't like each other, but at least the tension excites Morty and makes a spark in bed.

I prepared this picspam for a friend already, so I actually didn't waste much time at all. :P Feel free to think of suitable punishments to get me back to writing. Like loading pictures of BEN in the next LJ post I make without updating my word count. *hedgehog hiss*

artz!!1, spam, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, wow!, pokémon, music, but ima creepypasta ima weirdo

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