"...What the fuck? DDDD:" ~Nostalgia Critic

Sep 20, 2010 15:54

Why oh why did my Internet have to crash the day the PD secrets are posted? ;; Apologies to everyone, but replies will be slow. Baaaaw.

Before our connection went dead, I saw the most fucked up movie I've seen in a while. Blame the Nostalgia Critic for my curiousity, but I went to YouTube and looked up *thunder clap* Raggedy Ann and Andy: A Musical Adventure. Is it bad? Yes. But man, does it have nightmare fuel in troves! :o Worth watching once in a train-wreck/haunted house/OH GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT kind of way.

- The first half isn't that bad in a "meh" sort of way. Not the greatest but I could tolerate it.
- Those twin naked mannequin dolls need to die in a fire. If I was Marcella (lol that's the same name as my current novel's protagonist), I'd perform an exorcism on them. "We're so curious we could die! WHOOOOOO WEE! *simultanous eyeroll*" Indeed. X(
- Same guy that did Thief And the Cobbler (aka Pretty-Art-But-No-Substance) and done by some famous animators including Art Babbitt (Blue Camel With the Wrinkled Knees). Go figure, Richard Williams took forever again and got kicked off from directing. Which explains the fluctuating quality of the animation. :P
- The same guy from Sesame Street wrote the songs for this movie. :o You'd think this'd help the movie, but no, it hinders it. Why? Because there's too frickin' many. I know it's a musical, but the point of the songs is to drive the plot forward. You could snip out nearly the entire songbook and you wouldn't be missing anything at all. I mean, they're not bad (at least most of them *shudders from the twins again*), but are they necessary?
- "Not a Girl's Toy" eh? No offense Andy, but Ken in Toy Story 3 did it better. :P Come to think of it, Toy Story did better in general.
- Hey flist, which of you have incest ships? You'll get a kick out of Ann & Andy, 'cause they share an entire lovesong between each other. I am NOT kidding. I'll admit it's kind of sweet, but my god, I think this movie is affecting my nerves.
- "Blue" isn't bad, but what's the deal with the hallucinations? Has it honestly gotten so bad for the camel he took up the equivilent if LSD so he could forget his lonliness? It makes no sense and I have no idea why the heck it's in there.
- The Greedy. Yep, what we all came for. Through the movie, I've been thinking, "Eh, this is pretty tame." But by the time we got to this guy, I started feeling sick. It's... a pile of vomit that eats itself. It's the movie's equivilent of Yog-Soggoth. Just... why. DDD:
- Go figure, my favorite song in the entire movie lasts about 30 seconds. You know the loony knight that starts hitting on Andy ("I *bzzt* and do it because I LOOOOOOOVE YOOOOOOOOU!") Yeah, that.
- Great, boring Hitler guy. Everytime he laughs, he erm... inflates. LOOK POKEANON TROLL YOUR FAVORITE CHARACTER
- Couldn't Marcella walk to the other side of the koi pond rather than walk through it? Man, this plot sucks.
- That pirate scares me. He gets the equivilent of two erections (his sentient tentacle mustache and the bobbing belt on his belly) and somehow he still gets the girl in the end. *shiver*

It's... BAD. X( God, I hope Return to Oz is better than this. Heck, I think it WILL be better than this. Creepy? Of course. But at least it'll have a better story. >(

omaigaawd, raggedy ann & andy, *hedgehog hiss*, help me mario!, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, wow!, movies

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