30 Day Double Feature: Day 5 + 6

Mar 21, 2010 12:17

And I've been so busy I didn't have time to post Day 5. Have a Double Feature! :3

5. By age, who is your youngest character? Oldest? How about "youngest"and "oldest" in terms of when you created them?

Generic children and babies aside, probably Lisa Barrows from Lepidoptera. She's around 12 years old, which basically makes her the same age as the character she is voice-acting as for Sidney Wood's final movie and animated film, Lolita. A lot of the kids in this book are kind of... not what they seem. :P I don't want to make them mini-adults which is a huge mistake that Hollywood tends to make, but they are based off of strange truths and quirks I've seen from kids IRL. I'm talking three ten-year-olds sitting around South Park and laughing and understanding the jokes while I was shopping for video games in Austin. :P Lisa, like her classmates, may be children and act like children, but they're definitely not as innocent as you think they are and tougher than most screeching adults. :P See: Lisa's drama club hosting a one-night-only production of Pink Floyd's The Wall.

How old were you when you saw or read Stephen King's IT? Younger than you should be, eh? ;D

As for old characters, hm... maybe Oedipus "Ed" Thatch from Mute and the Siren. Supernatural-wise, I may or may not write a character called Pin in Matroyshka, who's basically been around for aeons and aeons and aeons. :P And Ledeen, eldrich abominations have a way of outliving regular humankind and all that. :P Arthur and Penelope Turpentine from Acmetropolis are approaching old age, and you can say Arthur is a cranky old softie. :P

Josephine Sparks was one of the earliest characters I thought of, by the way. Bolt followed sometime after that. :) I've had a lot of my novel ideas floating in my head for years, but Matryoshka was definitely new, as it came to life at the start of NaNoWriMo '09. Super duper earliest? Hans My Hedgehog. I think I started scribbling that sometime after NaNo. Balls though, I think I have Writer's Block on it. *angst*

6. Where are you most comfortable writing? At what time of day? Computer or good ol' pen and paper?

Quiet mystical places with a nice wooden/forest smell and feel, except you don't get any of that here in my Mom and Dad's house. :P I have yet to find "my place" again, but for now, my room works. I like writing at night and the wee hours into it, and maybe mornings where I won't constantly be interrupted by Mom and Dad and the day's demands. Either way, I just find it hard to write in the middle of the afternoon, I just can't feel any vibes to get going. :/ I like going with a mix of both computer and paper. While the final form is always on computer, sometimes I feel better writing it out in my notebooks to get a draft in. Then when I type it up, I can make autorevisions which is sweet. Sometimes pen and paper is good when the computer crashes too. It always helps to have backup drafts. :P Likewise I like computers because it's easier for me to carry out a tangent of inspiration, and I can type really fast and it's much easier for me to make revisions without getting a headache over erasing/crossing out words and wasting paper from notebooks. Writing with a pen or pencil tires out my hand after a while, but you don't need physical effort to keep typing on a keyboard, nomnomnomnomnom~ ♥

writing, meme

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