"He looks at you like you're something to eat." --Mowtom/Shaymin quote?

Feb 05, 2010 15:00

Whoa. Sonic 4. English name unveilings for HG/SS. Quite a bit's happened huh?

Both computers at my house have completely busted, and my Dad's been working on getting them to function properly, backing up everything and paying bills and having his life drained away by those devil pieces of junk. :/ There's other financial stuff I'm worried about, but eh. Hello from the library!

I'm hoping to get my learner's permit and Shiny Pichu. :o The latter almost slipped my mind. I've been playing a ton of video games to pass the time at home, namely Super Mario RPG and Wario's Woods (SNES). I just beat Bubble Bobble (first round) with my brother and Bubble Bobble Part 2, and I played M.U.L.E. until I was bored and frustrated why my colony keeps barely surviving (CPUs get rich on Smithore while I barely dig up a scrap. wtf).

I was fiddling around in SMRPG looking for secrets and little bits and pieces (like giving the mole a Carbo Cookie and stealing her bucket for free coins from Midas River) and saving a B'Tub Ring so I'd later get the Mystery Egg and go for the Lamb's Lure and develop my Army of Sheep. I stopped before entering Seaside Town though. I'm dreading the Sunken Ship, it's my least favorite part of the game. DDD: WHY JOHNNY WHY. Yaridovich too, oh gods. I think he kicked my ass the most other than Jinx when my levels weren't high enough (Culex doesn't count, he kicks everyone's ass. :P).

I discovered my brother had a guide for Final Fantasy Anthology in his room, so I picked it up, turned on FFV on my SP (My DS is in need of repairs. D:) and got myself unstuck. Now I'm in World 2 and I'm almost caught up to where I was stuck last time! I get to go further and see new stuff in the game, nomnomnom~

I wanted to watch Twilight so I could MST it, but Mom wanted to watch it with me, so that killed my plans. Dear god, what a boring movie. You could only go so long on the most mundane details and auuuuuuuuuuuuuuggggh. I did laugh at a few parts though, and Mom had to turn twice and tell me, "Giselle...!" Namely when Edward's diamond marble skin started glittering in the sun and he says in the most dramatic and serious expression, "This... is the skin of a killer." The highlight? Him screaming at the top of his lungs after buzzing around like The Flash, "AS IF YOU COULD OUTRUN ME!" It's... wow. XD Other than that, everyone was so wooden and boring, it's like watching paint peel. I suppose it's better than being annoyed by Bella and Edward's whining in the books, but still, it was painfully boring. Uggggh.

But Mom liked it. Wat. She said that it was "different" and not like "your usual gory vampire movie" and then she proceeds to ramble on and on about how this was the start of Pattinson and Stewart's career like it was for Cruise and Pitt and Dunst back when Interview With the Vampire came out blah blah celebrity talk I could care less about, and Oprah interviewing the cast and going, "How could you star in something that's got so much blood, so much gore?" To which Cruise would tell her over and over, "It's a vampire movie."

I think some things are just a given. What do vampires do? Drink blood. What will be in a vampire movie? Blood. That's putting two and two together. It's like going to a fantasy movie and complaining that there's magic in it. "I like my erotica without nudity!", "I like my ice cubes when they're not cold!", "I like rain, but why does it have to be wet?" It's just what Twilight feels like to me. Take out the "vampire" bits and Edward's just some weird pale guy with a stalker obsession. It's vampire fakery for people who don't like or care about vampires. Or is it the biting they want? I have no idea.

That's all. Time to post before I lose my data. @.@;;; That's it, Mr. Sun. Bite Mario and make him sparkle!

super mario rpg, gaming, pokémon, movies

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