"Hey, this'd make a neat story!" *scribble* "Done!"

Dec 02, 2009 08:20

Ganked from galuxkitty :

Step 1. Write down the names of 10 characters.
Step 2. Write a fic of fifteen words or less for every prompt, using the characters determined by the numbers. Do NOT read the prompts before you do step 1.

1. Dusknoir
2. Meta Knight
3. Lucy (PM2 Hero)
4. Kirby
5. Grovyle
6. Marx
7. Dedede
8. Wigglytuff
9. Waddle Dee
10. Celebi

First Time, 4 and 6 (Kirby, Marx)

For that one forbidden act with Kirby, Marx never felt so innocent in his life.

Angst, 7 (Dedede)

Dedede marched solemnly under the sunset; Kirby broken his crown again, long live the king.

AU, 1 and 8 (Dusknoir, Wigglytuff)

"Wigglytuff? Surely this doesn't mean you--" "Open wide! It's a Perfect Apple!"

Threesome, 3, 6, and 9 (Lucy, Marx, Waddle Dee)

Magic dice and brown Decoys aside, it was best not sharing that dream with Oliver.

Hurt/Comfort, 5 and 10 (Grovyle, Celebi)

"Oh Grovyle! Sweet heavens...! What did they do to you?"

Crack, 1 (Dusknoir)

"Now, who wants to step inside my belly?"

Horror, 10 (Celebi)

Pink was haunting on that shriveled shell, and her face was pocked with hollow holes.

Baby Fic, 5 and 9 (Grovyle, Waddle Dee)

Waddle Dee watched Dyna's chicks as Grovyle speed off. He blinked. What are Perfect Apples?

Dark, 2 and 8 (Meta Knight, Wigglytuff)

It took Chatot taking the blade for Wigglytuff for the Guildmaster to finally snap.

Romance, 4 and 7 (Kirby, Dedede)

"It had to be Kirby." Dedede grumbled, but accepting his rival's kiss anyway.

Death Fic, 2 and 3 (Meta Knight, Lucy)

Treecko and veteran closed their eyes, accepting their destiny as time reclaimed what didn't belong.

fanfiction, pokémon, hoshi no kirby, shipping

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