Got Sucked Into the Void of TV Tropes

Jun 07, 2009 03:07

This is not a novel to be tossed aside lightly.
It should be thrown with great force.
-Dorothy Parker

"Get away from the book by any means you can. Or, if you've been unfortunate enough to pay money for it already, fling it against the wall. It'll make a really satisfying thwack! when it hits. Just make sure no pets or toddlers are in the way." --The Top 10 Signs You're Reading A Very Bad Romance Novel

Mind if I preach #6 to the ground? In any genre? Repeatedly?

This kind of plot device I can't stand either:

The reason Laharl is such a big jerk is his mom killed herself to save his life. This would be enough to make any little kid feel really really bad wouldn't it? Ah. But his mom was *HUMAN*. So she was brought back as a Prinny. And not back as just ANY Prinny, she was brought back as a Red shaded Mother Prinny. With all her memories of her child. So when she sees her child's reaction to her death. (This is the excuse for him no longer feeling love and emotions other than anger. Because she was teaching him to be a good boy.) What does she do? She keeps her mouth shut. She doesn't for one instant think "Hey, Maybe if I go to my husband...the FRICKIN' OVERLORD. He could...I dunno...Help my son realize that it's me...just...a little different." Nope. She keeps her mouth shut. Lets him suffer, lets her husband suffer. Only reveals herself the night she's going to be re-incarnated as a human or something else for 'atoning' for her sin. Making him say goodbye. Again. Love you too Mom. What makes this worse is that it's played off as its supposed to be horribly honorable and a MASSIVE Tear Jerker.

I'd strangle the mom for being such an idiot!

*hedgehog hiss*, ...wut? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, rants, quottage, reading, lulz

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