Jun 22, 2007 20:57

*whips up the knives sniper/ninja/Wolverine style* It's time to chop-chop!

*sniffle* Our relationship was going so good, and I must've saved a billion caps for iconning. Alas, I had to fall upon your reviews for Archie Comics.

Lotsa Shadow-bashing ahead. WHEE.

Thanks for the warning, bub! Alas, Train-Wreck Syndrome and curiousity drives me on.

It starts off with Sonic punching Shadow across the room (YES) and Sonic saying how Shadow got his 'licks in last time'. Yeah, he's gotten in some sucking too, if you've been unfortunate enough to read some of the slashy swill over at But nobody gets the drop on Sonic twice!

Just goes on to prove that the Ultimate Weapon against Shadow Haters is... eh, I'll save it for later. Now's not the time.

It doesn’t stop them though! One comes down with a good hard punch to Sonic's face. He fights back, but the Metals are starting to overwhelm him. Shadow, our resident fan-char-ish God-moding angst-pod, he shows up right in time! WHAT WOULD KNOTHOLE DO WITHOUT SHADOW?!!! They'd be DOOM-ED! DOOOOOM-ED. XD

The All-Mighty Shadow raises his hand...and all da bots fall down and go boom-boom! Ammmmmaaaaazing! How is this possible!? The God-Moding Wonder wonders!

Why it's Chaos Control, Knuckles butts in. Shadow of course, needs no introduction because he. is. GOD!

Shadow says he can't do Chaos Control without a Chaos Emerald. Ah contraire, if you draw your power from the Chaos Force you can, Shadow! But only Guardians can do that.

"Hmmm," says Shadow, "I AM the ULTIMATE LIFEFORM FOR SURE."

Yeah, 'cause Shadow is SUCH a Gary-Stu! Not like the other Archie cast, like Pimp!Sonic, Domineering!Sally, Destiny!Knuckles and Hulk Hogan!Tails! And um, what's Tommy Turtle for? To show off the writers's favorite creation or something? AND he always saves the day! Nevermind Shadow tried to destroy it. If he had his way, Mobius would be a pile of ash because nobody stopped to question his morals and challenge him. Shadow cares about HIMSELF--he puts his pride before everything, and that's why he scoffs Sonic.

Sonic gets up and complains about his head and calls Shadow a faker. Knuckles and the Chaotix run off... somewhere. Sonic thanks Shadow for saving him and says he owes him.... nothing. Bwahhaha oooh burn baby.
'Then we're even,' the Black G0D of AngsT says.

God, first Rugal666 (???and I don't friggin' care)'s "King Nothing" garbage from DA, now this. Can't we have a God of Chilidogs? Call someone else a name of high power for god's sake. "Weasley is our King" is standing lonely in the corner.

Well, I thought that story was ok. Nothing much really happened. It was kind of boring, actually. One good thing is that Shadow (hopefully) will be gone for a while. I tire of his overly whiny back-story. Oh wah wah, I'm so sad cuz Maria died. Hey, like the -entire- Archie cast didn't have their parents/families either die or be roboticized by Robotnik. Hell, even Snively, a BAD guy, was betrayed by Robotnik. But Shadow, you're somehow special in your angsty greif! You see, it's not Shadow's angstyness that bugs me so much as his overrated-ness.
Enough of the Shadow ranting. Don't wanna make the fangirls angry... LOL

This kids, is the goldmine.

Let's look over the facts. The FFs were seperated from and had their families roboticized. Now, the thing about being roboticized. Though technically they've become slaves to Robotnik, within them is their true selves, which they could power to overcome Robotnik's control. So they could be their regular selves although their bodies are metallic husks. In SatAM, Uncle Chuck was still able to talk to Sonic and spy for the FFs. BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG difference between that and being dead. Having your family and friends roboticized or disappear is traumatizing, I don't deny that. Sally lost her father... but he still lives. She could still find him and bring him back. In Knothole, they invent machines to deroboticize their families. In other words, if someone is roboticized or missing, they can be taken back.

Also, the Freedom Fighters have support. Even though family members and friends DO die, they cling on and stick together. Someone they could love and trust. To care and look out for each other. The FFs growing up had Rosie in Knothole (and Sally eventually saved her from being reboticized by warning her not to leave in Blast in the Past Part 2). They had someone to do the secret handshake with for chrissakes. Despite all horrors and troubles, they had a glimmer with each other.

Now tell me... what did Shadow have?

He never lived in the city, where he could meet other people. He never had a family, because he was born in a test tube. The scientists are only interested in him for study, and Professor Gerald is a busy man who can't afford a big time slot for Shadow. Maria was on the ARK soley because she was terminally ill and would die if she went back on Earth. The two didn't HAVE anyone else. They nourished each other for their lives. Why else did you think they want to go to Earth?

Oopsies, the government manipulated Gerald! Oopsies, GUN's come to raid the ARK! Oopsies, your best friend in the entire world may as well be the only person you ever knew. Oopsies, she got shot trying to save you. Oopsies, Gerald went insane and scrambled your memories before sealing you 50 years.

You're saying Shadow has less right to be angry than when Robotnik took the FF's families away and made them his slaves?

Let's face it. Because of the isolation and enraged thoughts bubbling in his head all these years, Shadow is MESSED UP.

I wouldn't be surprised if he killed the other people on the ARK before being locked up either.

People are forgetting Shadow was once a villain for these reasons. Because of these atrocities and nearly blowing up the world TWICE, Shadow's barely existant "angst" hardly measures up to the pride, rage, and sadism of Shadow. He has friends now: Rouge, Omega, and the rest. He's fine. But in SA2-era, don't expect him to be sane. Especially living with something like THAT.

Thank you ma'am. Since you're obviously unique and deserve pity for being the ONLY SHADOW H8TR IN DA W0RLD Z0MG SNIFF IAM SO ALON3!1!1!11, I have this little gift for people just like you to suit your needs:

Have a nice death~! *throws ninja bomb and disappears*

Yep. Time to start developing my concept for SatAM*Shadow pronto! I already have a nice role for Maria~~~

sonic the hedgehog, shadow, rants, bashers suck

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