1. Positive thinking. I feel like I have to constantly remind myself to think positively (and I'm sure I'm not the only one). Taking a step back and looking at my life, things are pretty good right now.
2. These are beautious. I'm making frosted sugar cookies to bring to Winona this weekend for study breaks. I'm excited.
3. This frustrates me but makes me feel a little better about that certain someone I've been thinking about all day because we listened to a movie soundtrack at work today that he introduced me to. Ugh.
4. I'm thinking about Chicago again. I want to go at the end of January as a sort of birthday present for myself but then I got to thinking and I'll probably fly out to Chicago in March, maybe Oshkosh for OPE, then I want to take Liz to D.C. in June and then come August, hopefully I'll be in Colorado full time. That's a lot of traveling for a girl who's starting to pay off her student loans... still, you only live once, right?
5. This could not be truer about me.