Jan 16, 2006 10:58
Well. *Clears throat* Is this thing on? *Taps microphone* Oh right! Well!
I had a very busy weekend, or it seemed busy to me! And very exciting. It all started on Wednesday, when I was innocently harassing some pervert when I get a message from some random person. And well, I tried to harass them but they kept laughing at me. And I'm like, "Well darn it, how can I keep annoying and trying to be mean to them when they think I'm just so darn funny?" so this person and I, I shall call him.. Dave, started talking. Anyways, he somehow convinced me to ring up his bloody mobile phone at like 10:30 pm and so he and I yacked until it was 1:30 am. Blimey! I don't stay up that late, what is up with me? *screams*
Anyhoo he said he was doing a gig at a club near where I live. And I'm like, well, I might be as shy as hell but darn it I'm going to go and see it. I basically decided this as soon as he sort of mentioned it because I was at the time in the mood of, "Well WTF, who gives a crap. It'll be fun." So anyways. I get some details from him and then I get to organising it.
Rhea lived closest to where the gig was playing so I rang her up and asked her if she could come with me and then if I could sleep over at her house for the night and she was all enthusiastic and said that was fine! SO then it was done. WRITTEN IN STONE! *drops hammer and chisel.. .. on her foot. CRIE!*
So anyways. HERE COMES THE BIG DAY of probably one of the more social events I've done in my life. Since I don't go to clubs and see gigs! .. Ever! And i was nervous, I was expecting it to be packed out with drunken idiots. So anyhoo my mum drops me off at Rhea's house and I get interrigated about why I wanted to go and who told me and in the end I break and say, "IT WAS ONE OF THE BAND PLAYERS KTHX" and they're like "OMG WHO?" and I'm like HEY... Don't ask me, I just live here! So anyways. I was waiting for Rhea to get ready and her parents were busy telling me about this really good band that goes there and does the same stuff as the band guy is doing and I'm like, alright i'll ask him if he is part of this SPECIAL BAND! And well he was! And I'm like OMG I KNOW SOMEONE PARTIALLY FAMOUS ... .. Yay!
Then Rhea's dad drives us to the club at like 6:30 pm (I keep wanting to type am for some odd reason) and we go in and buy our tickets. $15 DOLLARS A PERSON! Well! I was shocked and outraged at the price! Why I spent many minutes convincing my mum to give me evey bit of coinage she had! Lol actually I was suprised it wasn't $30 or something.
Anyhoo I was really nervous, and when I'm really nervous I feel like I'm going to throw up or feel queasy or something like that. And also my throat sort of closes up a little and I cannot swallow! (DON'T BE GROSS YOU GROSS ASSES THAT ARE THINKING GROSS THOUGHTS ;.; ) But yes! Rhea and I walked over to the bar, despite the leering of some drunk old people who seemed to have gray hair and huge comb overs! But I just ignored them. AND Despite the advice of one of me buddies who suggested me to buy a Rum and Coke thingamibob, I just had iced water because I don't think alcohol was really such a good idea at the time. AND IT WASN'T!
So since Rhea and I were like 2 and a half hours early, we just spent the time chatting and stuff. Talking about how one of these people I used to know broke her back and is in a wheelchair (Which is totally horrible =/) and how another friend of mine totally got married and didn't even tell me! Darn it! I listened to her bitching during year 7 and 8! And this is how she repays me? WHY I OUGHTA! And such and such.
And I ask her like every now and then what time it is and she is like, "10 minutes since you last asked me" WELL I AM SORRY I COULDN'T HELP BUT FEEL NERVOUS *Le cry!* And I there was a clock on the wall and it was a LOSER clock because it didn't have the right time. It was like stuck on 20 to 8 the whole night!
And because I was so nervous and didn't want anythign too heavy to eat, I wanted a bloody salad, BUT DID THEY HAVE SALAD? NO! THEY DIDN'T! So I had a chicken burger and my stomach was like, "What are you feeding me! Is this chicken? I JUST DON'TKNOW" and so I suffered a little through the night with cramps! HOORAY!
Anyways it eventually gets to 9 and then they walk out in little suits, and they all looked alike. And so Rhea and I are like trying to figure out which one DAVE was and I'm like saying, "WELL! I am totally saying he is the middle one" And all I can remember is that he is the one in the RED. THE RED! Do not forget the RED! But the first hour of their gig they were all dressed the same so I had to use my intellect to find out! Even though I've only ever seen ONE picture. What is it with people and giving me one picture? I mean really! Come on! Every guy I see on the internet is incredibly handsome and I am incredibly ugly and I have more than one bloody picture! Sorry. I'm going on a rant.
The lights above where Rhea and I sat didn't dim down for like the first 10 minutes and I was LOL having a sort of panic attack from it but then they turned off and Rhea kept asking me if I was alright. I don't know why, I must be some sort of freak! "Please, I hope no one notices me!" Yup.. The life of the Me!
And so then they had a break as I said after an hour of playing. And they were gone for like 15 to 20 minutes. AND did I mention that on a TV in the room they were playing fricken Braveheart? And my gawd, I was trying to watch the band with my full attention but I couldn't help but look at the battle scenes and torture scenes on the tv. IT IS LIKE.. Oh hell I don't know! But still! I managed to sing along, watch some braveheart AND watch the band at once. Talk about using all my multitasking abilities!
And some how Rhea convinced me to go up where all these people were dancing. And they were dancing carzy! Some lady was totally head banging and I'm like, "Whoa watch your neck there, don't want your head to fall off" though I didn't say that. And so Rhea is sort of dancing and I'm standing there awkwardly just watching the people around me dancing, almost hitting me and elbowing me in the ribs. And then this other guy who was with his wifey was like trying to give me tips on how to dance he is like, "Move your feet! Move your hands! Move your ass!" and I'm like, Ghah! I don't care! But I did try. And I did feel like a complete idiot! <3
Luckily the dancers left me alone, though Rhea kept trying to grab my hands and make me move.. from side to side.. and I just was not co-operative at all! And shekept asking me, "Are you alright?" and I'm like yes! I'm fine.. ! Keep going Rhea! All I did was click my fingers or clap to the music Lol.
Then they finished their song and like moved back into their room and sort of speeded away in hopes ofnot getting noticed, Which I was successful at! Thank gawd. And then I moved back and then everyone is like saying, "ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE ENCORE" Or something.. I can't remember if it was them shouting the band name or Encore. I am pretty sure it was Encore. Man I am remember the night like I'm drunk Lol.
Then they came out and played some more songs. Then the last song they played was *happy sigh* that Hey Jude song which I love. Like everyone else, but still. We all sang along to it and it was pretty good. I was amused at this guy in a Beatles shirt thatkept trying to steal their microphone and sing though. Hahaha.. He totally got yelled at by their manager or who ever that guy was.
And now they finally finished up and went into their little room thingy and Rhea is like, "So.. what do you want to do now.." and I'm like, "Ehh.. I don't know. Lets get a drink?" and she is like okay! AND I DIDN'T RUN AWAY THIS TIME! When they went back into their little room!
So I got more iced water because I such a good girl! No drinking and passing out for me! NO SIR! And then I'm just watching the band members walk around in their casual clothes now. And when it was 10 to 12, they annouced that the club had like a 12 am curfew and I'm like, "Ah you better ring up your parents or that taxi guy you know" and she's like yeah! So she tried to ring her parents but they weren't there. So she rang up the taxi guy and he was going to another part that is half an hour away and so told her to ring up the Taxi company and so she did and they said they'd send a person over when they can.
So anyways she and I move to stand outside. And I had said to Dave the band member that I would hide from him and not go over and say hi! And I didn't! *nods*
But bloody hell. She and I were outside and it was sprinkling a little, and we were waiting.. and waiting.. and waiting.. and waiting.. and people were beginning to leave, and some small maltese guy said Ciao and we're like Ciao and then he starts trying to say something but his drunk friend dragged him off. And all these people were like saying Goodnight to us and we're like Yup! goodnight! And then this drunk lady was like, "I hope they bring Taxi's here, they do! I KNOW THEY DO!" and then she laughed and looked at me and Rhea and said something that I can't remember and Rhea and I forced a laugh like, "Yeah.. ha..hahaha."
And we're still bloody waiting. It was taking so long that the band members were beginning to leave, and they were polite and said goodnight and we were like yup! Goodnight. Except DAVE he was still there drinking beer. I feel like a stalker Lol. Eeew beer though. And Rhea and I just hanged out.
And it was like 12:30 am and we're like Well Fuck this. We're ringing up taht Taxi driver that Rhea knows again. So he said he'd be there in like 10 minutes or something. And then Dave comes out with these three girls and he is staring at me and I'm staring at him. AND IT WAS A STARING CONTEST! And I could tell he wa slike, "Who the hell is that? WHY IS SHE LOOKING AT ME! OMG!" and then he walked over and was like, "Omg I didn't expect you to come!" and I'm like, "Well suprise!" and then he thought we weer waiting outside for him, and me and Rhea were a bit mean to him and I feel a bit bad because we were both like, "Don't be flattered, we're waiting for a taxi" lol.. And he tried to kiss my cheek and totally made it awkward because well, I'm sorry okay! I'm not used to that affection! And then he is like, "Well I have to go! I'm sorry I can't stay longer." adn we're like yeah that's alright and then he attempted another kiss on my cheek and went off with them girls.
Lol and I forgot that Rhea was like saying stuff like, how she thought the guy in the band that was dressed in blue had nice eyes and was hot or something. And how Dave dressed really nice and such and I'm thinking, "He dresses nice? It looks like just clothes to me." but then again I might not have been as observant as Rhea was being! Maybe I should have stared longer. And Rhea and I made sort of fun of Dave and how he has groupies and stuff... and I did start to feel bad saying "Don't be flattered" and all. But ah well. I was sort of tired, and sort of wet because it was sprinkling a little on me and Rhea while we were waiting for the taxi. What can I say? I'm a grumpy ass!
And so Rhea and I waited some more and then I sat onthe stairs and blimey.. eventually the taxi comes along. And so Rhea and I move over ot it and the Drunk lady with her boyfriend is still there and the taxi driver is like, "Rhea?" And the drunk lady says, "Yes! I'm Rhea!" and lol omg.. Rhea is opening the door ot get in and the lady was trying to get into teh taxi with us. And the taxi driver is like, I guess I can take both of you because you live close enough. So Rhea very generously let me sit at the window seat while she sat in the middle. And lmfao.. the lady kept trying to talk to us and she is like, "I HOPE YOU KNOW WHERE YU'RE GOING BECAUSE I DON'T AHAHAHAAHAH" And looked at me and Rhea to see if we were laughing and we're like, Yeah hahaha.. *cough into hand*
Then we made it to Rhea's house, and on the way up along her street we saw these friends of the band who wre all dressed up in their suits and the girl in her really nice dress. They looked really cool. I think she did well walking all that way in her heels! So we finally get to Rhea's house and I'm like, "well crap it's only like 1 am!" lol...
It was very eventful! And then I picked on Dave a little through SMS and had a shower because I stank and then I went to bed. And got woken up the next day at 10:36 am by an SMS and I'm like, Bleh! I shouldn't sleep with it so close to my head...
ANd yeah.
A very eventful day!