Did not know episode 3 was a cliffhanger. I'm actually not gnashing my teeth about it, amazingly. Moriarty was pretty damn hilarious (if annoying as hell). I enjoyed episode 3, but I think I found episode 1 to be better overall. Maybe. I'll have to rewatch. I thought episode 1 was very tight. Episode 3 sprawled a bit, though the pacing was great.
Episode 2 was so weak in comparison! Plus, that whole "Orientals" are so exotic and mysterious and dangerous and whatever thing was frustratingly annoying. I wanted to spork someone when John and his date (I can't remember her name right now) were kidnapped and they used the crossbow thing to get John (aka Sherlock, LOL) to 'fess up.
Must find fanfic now. I'm curious as to how the fangirl imagination resolves the cliffhanger.
I'm a bit tipsy and can't think straight, so that's it for now.