....GAAAAAAAH! I wish I hadn't read it so soon after publication...when does the next volume come out? *sighs*
I was expecting a bit more re: the Lien + Napoleon vs. Temeraire + Laurence in this volume, so when they did meet it felt like a let-down. I was all ready to be more irritated by Lien (I understand her anger and anguish that what's his name died, but seriously? He died in attempting a coupe. I don't think she ahd any claim to righteousness...But then, she's full of herself so I suppose I can't expect much more from her.), but instead I was very amused by her exchange with Temeraire. She really is elegant, isn't she? Laurence with Napoleon made me cackle, too.
I like how the history of white colonial rule is being changed thanks to the existence of dragons. I love how outraged the British were about the destruction of the towns in Africa, I was laughing so hard at their righteousness. Laurence's mom's letter deserves an A+.
It's nice seeing Laurence awakening to his human decency unfettered by lame-ass patriotism. And it's some sudden enlightenment, either. He's willing to ignore the evil of spreading the disease to the Continent until Temeraire insists on going alone if necessary. But once he decides, he's committed and doesn't really regret it.
I must be an odd fangirl, but I don't really care to see slash fanfic of this series. Especially since if there was going to be any, I'd prefer human-Temeraire (because dragon-Laurence just wouldn't be as much fun in a slash fic) a seme (or possibly a very--and I mean very--aggressive sasoi-uke) just because of his personality...And I just don't see fic like that being produced, at least judging by the few statements regarding fanfics I've seen. Oh well, whatever.
In any case, off to bed for me.