It's been pretty interesting seeing all the cosplay pics from whatever con just happened recently. In particularly like the first pic of Ritsuka and Seimei cosplay posted
here. She has a look in her eye and the right kind of looks for Ritsuka.
I've started reading Flesh & Blood volume 3...I had initially skimmed it really fast, but this series is not one for skimming so I'm going to go through each volume steadily instead of flying through them. I do like how the series highlights how spoiled we modern humans are. Kaito thinks he 'd rather die than eat buggy bread, but he learns to do so because he wants to survive. I felt strong empathy with him, because the thought of doing something like that is so revolting...but what if you have no choice? It's very easy to relate with Kaito because he's such a normal kid in many ways, but then I admire him for being able to survive (so far). I can't even begin to imagine living in such a stratified, dangerous world, especially as a clear foreigner.
Oh my, Youtube is amazing. It seems everything is on there. I managed to skim through the entire
Jyu Oh Sei anime without downloading anything. Admittedly the quality sucks (and the translations of the subtitles were awful) but at least I got to see the entire series without having to bother with bittorrent (which is still giving me problems *sighs*). It's interesting how each episode was made into there some kind of limit on file sizes? In any case, too bad I couldn't find direct downloads of the series. I continue to be amused beyond all belief that the main character is voiced by Dohmoto Koichi from Kinki Kids. I've seen him in numerous dramas over the years, from when he was a youngster...but voice acting? I kind of skipped and hopped around the series, but it's interesting enough that I will probably try to somehow find a way to download it (and maybe find a better subber because seriously? The one that was uploaded on youtube was BAD) and watch it at decent quality. Two completely superficial reasons to watch it: Kazi in black and Third. I love their character designs, their voices. And I love Third later on, too. Oh, that was just too sweet. *_*
Part of the reason I wanted to watch the show (aside from the fact that the character designs were to my taste) was the ending song. I love the ending song. I fiddled with my bittorrent settings to attempt to get a decent speed (I failed and it took forever) to download it. Oh, but it was worth it. How I love the song:
Te wo tsunaide [
Lyrics and translation]
I thought the name of the artist sounded familiar, and then it hit me that she sang one of the Bleach ending (or was it opening?) songs, Houkiboshi. Ah, that was a nice song. Check out
Houki Boshi live on Pop Jam--for some reason I can't help but think there's a big gap between her looks and her voice. She's so wide-eyed, and yet her voice is (fairly) deep and mature.
I need to go find the opening song as well...*sighs* Mendokusai...
I remember reading the thing about how people can read scrambled words if the first and last letters stay in the same place (Aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoetnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be at the rghit pclae. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe.). Found an interesting
article explaining the myths and truths behind the claim. The article also has examples of similar things in other languages, mostly European languages. Apparently it doesn't work in Hebrew. I know it wouldn't work in Japanese.