Nov 25, 2004 01:25
Im shooting terrorists. w00t! wednesday...
Today I woke up from a bout of restless sleep and I shooted some terrorists...
Called Jessie at 10:30ish and woke her up...friggin normal people are so lazy...
We talked for about 10 minutes and decided to see The Incredibles at 12:30. And we did.
It was ok...just the right mix of comedy, action and all that stuff...
The movie got out at 3 and she dropped me back off at my house because we both had to work.
So I get to work, and guess what happens...Moe bitches at us. for what? I still don't know. Damn, I don't think even she knew what she was bitching about.
About an hour into the night (the normal night shift people are in) and moe bitches at everyone for not signing their tags. She threatened to write everyone up if there was one more unsigned tag. GAH! dont even get me started about that...
about 5 minutes after that, she starts bitching at me for not using the damned paint-ups. I felt like handing her the docker and pulling a "jimmy" and walking out, but my boss was standing about 5 feet away, so I just yelled back at her. Im sorry I cant use the LO paint-ups when I have assorted sizes of pans and skinny's popping up. But I can still use then if you want! Hell, Tim even told me to do it. I was tempted...I was tempted...
Then she bitched about a billion other things that I dont remember.
Then after we close, she makes some coffee. and bitches at us for slacking.
When she pours her coffee...she takes a sip. Bitches at me because we need to organize the screens. which was Jimmy's job, even though she said she'd do it.. she takes another sip of coffee. she bitches at jimmy for not mopping. He stated he cant mop before I finish sweeping and do the soda spigots. She takes another sip of coffee. bitches at us for being slackers. takes another sip of coffee.
Jimmy starts to do the work moe said she'd do, and she bitches at him for turning off the ovens (by this time she had already finished a cup of coffee while printing out employee breaks). She bitches that she hadn't put the screens through the ovens yet. WTF is the point of bitching at us for something you were just gonna ruin the whole purpose of later!?
Once again, she bitches about billions upon billions of things which were her fault. and some how in her bitching she made it sound like it was everyone else's fault...
Me and jimmy got back at her though...we were making cenile jokes all night...bwahahahahahahhaa....tonight still suxx0red tho...
and then I came home...and I shot me some terrorists...and now I'm here, ranting about work and how i've been shooting so lame...