Dec 03, 2004 15:35
yea well i will be leaveing soon to go capming for the weekend. its gunna be great to get away from everything!But im a little worried about my apendix(sp?)its been killin me all day! so now im drinking buckets of water. i will have to pee soon.i just hope it dont explode.
yea i think i passed the test today in Hobbs the first 15 were a lil hard but w.e i cant have missed more than...6.
Oh and today Coach Mabry gave me dollar! he said he'd give a dollar to anyone who could tell him a lesson he told us about driving, and i [very nicely] let several people try to get it and finally i answered the question and i got the dollar!the answer *when riding in a cra you are putting your life in the hands of another person* and this is true.stupid people in my class have very little knowledge about life.
I cant beleive Christmas is almost here already! seems like school just started!
well Cait-Lyn is here now so i guess ill go now! have fun my chik-a-dees. i will ttyl