First day of work and etc.

Aug 17, 2009 17:43

Before I post about my very exciting but not really first day of work, I would like to say......or ask rather......WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU PEOPLE???!!!!!!@!  NOT EVEN YEWON'S on gmail anymore!!!  I'm just gonna assume you all moved in and didn't say anything =PPPPP

Well, I will be moving my stuff in this wednesday and then technically moving in this sunday so if you guys still wanna hang out this week please say so!! And i'm gonna be working on Friday till 3PM but that should't be a problem since normally i don't even wake up till then haha.

So, my first day was pretty relaxed cause I was only put to the cash register which was very easy though they dude who was like teaching me prolly thought i was retarded or something but he's so nice and soo cute!!! Lol, he has THE prettiest and big and BLUE/HAZEL eyes!!! OMG i'm such a sucker for nice eyes lol.  His name is Matt and he went to stlcop for 2 years and left and tried applying to another pharm school and didn't get in so he just went to umsl i think and he wants to do a phd thingy at SLU.  Whatever, but yeah, he's so nice and my sister's friend's mom turns out isn't a pharmacist, she's a pharm tech but she's really nice too.  So today I only rung up orders and stocked the filled prescriptions on the shelves in ABC order and most of the time it was just standing there.  And all the managers came up to me and was like "oh, you new? WELCOME!!!!" *handshake*  and when they say firm handshake, they MEAN IT! This one manager like squeezed the living death outta my hand!!!!  Good thing i'm used to it with my bro who always messes with me but that's besides the point.  And I have another number to memorize, my employee id, which i already memorized but still, the thought of it just taking up my brain space when i'mnna have to do orgo.....yeah i'm weird.  But yeah, swathi!!! I am working on fridays from like 4-7 or 8 so that's when you should come get your mom's meds!!! :D  Also, was friday the good day for you where you go home? I don't remember but it's fine if it's not i'll just ride the bus.  So i'm just taking it slow....yeah....a little too slow i sometimes think but i mean its just the first day.  But still, the dude, Matt pretty-eyes, was like "this may be overwhelming but you'll get it" =/  I already got it yo.  I have been doing the cash register for YEARS at me restaurant.  Oh, one of the customers today was also a customer at my restaurant! lol, it's funny he was like "i know you from somewhere" and then yeah.  Fun stuff.  And i saw rachel!! lol i yelled out at her haha.  Y'alls can come to dierbergs and watch me work fridays mmhmm not like you're gonna be here but whatever.  And so today, bright and sunny right?  Who woulda thought there'd be A BIG FREAKIN STORM?!!!!! I MEAN COME ON!!! I left the windows of my car cracked and THE STORM!!!!  I drove home after work with a very big wet ass.  Yes, wet ass.  my wet ass.  mmhmm, still wet right now while i'm typing this.  Wet ass. asss. assssssss.  wet. ass.  not happy about that.


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