Apr 15, 2004 22:22
just another day in the life of heather...
not to spectacular but hey...
whose life ever is...
im tryin to be HAPPIER for my sake...
and for my friends sake...
[that is the very few i have ne more]
if done a renevation of my life...
i no longer try to be nice to ppl i really good give a rats ass about...i just sit there...im using my energy on me at the moment b/c its EXTREMELY needed...
i have come up with a philosophy for myself...
if ppl dont wanna try to converse or be kind to me do the same to them...
so half the ppl i used to talk to i really dont nemore...
if they want to talk to me all power to them but im just not tryin nemore...
there are very few ppl i try for nemore...
VERY FEW!!!!...
nd trust me ull kno if ur 1 of them...
im trying my hardest not to totaly give up on humanity and life all together...
from the deepths of my burning soul...
yours truly...