It's been so long since I've read much of the YGO manga that I've forgotten some of what I have. I totally didn't remember I have the manga version of the Lumis and Umbra duel. I suddenly wondered whether I had any of it and looked to see, and I have it all. I've been curiously wanting to look that over since some of their behavior in Duel Links didn't make sense to me and I wondered if it was based on the manga rather than the anime. The answer is Yes.
The duel mostly plays out the same, but when their partnership crumbles, they start flinging insults at each other. That's what happens in Duel Links too, although it's different insults there. (Actually, some of the manga insults are censored, lol, so I'm just as glad not to know what those are....) I ended up adopting that into the fic I'm writing that they're in, even though it's anime verse there. Also, Lumis seems to be extremely sensitive about his height in the manga and flips if anyone calls him a shrimp.
I read that in the Japanese version of the anime, Marik tells Lumis and Umbra not to let Yami Yugi and Seto die because he's preparing the next stage of his plan. In the manga, I didn't see any such scene and they say they're the assassins of the Rare Hunters (or, well, they say Ghouls there). Creepy! But when Marik takes over Lumis, he acts like he knew they would never beat Yami Yugi and Seto. I don't know if Lumis survived the takeover or not, although just as in the anime, Umbra pulls out a parachute to save himself when he falls.
Of course, I prefer the anime version of things. I had more of a feeling that Lumis and Umbra really cared about each other there, whereas in the manga I wasn't sure. I don't know if that earlier short duel happens in the manga either, and the Rock Paper Scissors bit is one of my favorite humorous moments in the whole series. ROTFLOL.
One thing I did like in the manga is that when Umbra falls, Yami Yugi tells Seto they shouldn't beat down Lumis because he's lost the will to fight and it wouldn't be honorable. It was a cool speech, and also, it did leave the possible hint that Lumis might care about Umbra.
Umbra has more personality in the anime, I think, although Lumis is more developed in the manga. He's a wild card and laughs a lot and is a little bit crude. In the anime, he's impulsive, but seems to be more serious than his manga counterpart. Both anime and manga Lumises are very impressive acrobats. He's very physically active for being rather heavyset.
I also finally got around to seeing who voices them in Duel Links, as Umbra sounds the same but of course Lumis isn't. I was pleased that Umbra is indeed the same. It's good to see the mysterious Andrew Paull still active. (Who is he?! I keep thinking he must be Ted Lewis's/Ed Paull's brother, because Paull is such an unusual name spelled like that and it seems too odd if there's no connection.) Lumis's new voice is Wolfe Scott. I have no idea who that is, as his only other credit seems to be YGO Vrains, one of the spin-offs. Honestly, I prefer Wolfe's interpretation of him and it's his voice I'm hearing in my mind when I write Lumis's dialogue. Jimmy Zoppi's take, however, probably fits manga Lumis pretty well.
(Also, it looks like in the manga Mokuba isn't kidnapped. And there's no scenes of Tea and Joey captive in the warehouse dealing with the Rare Hunters. I love those scenes in the anime!)
I swear I didn't really set out to do this, but it looks like in the fic, Lumis and Umbra may try to turn over a new leaf. I don't know if their manga counterparts ever would, but possibly their anime versions would, especially given the circumstances in the fic (Bandit Keith fired them for one mistake, which seems to be his policy, Lumis was badly hurt trying to protect Umbra from a mind-controlled Pegasus, Yami Bakura said he'd help because of wanting to use Lumis as a guinea pig to figure out how to save the other victims of the madness and made Umbra vow to leave Gansley's family alone on pain of Yami Bakura's retaliation, and Solomon says he'll try to find a job for them so they can stay together if they help solve the magical crisis).
Meanwhile, SQUEEEE YES I finally got to the Big Five part of my game! Gansley has trounced me twice, but I don't care, lol. I'm going to savor every duel with them, including the defeats, since this is the only chance I have to see them until I beat the whole game and can duel them whenever I want. I was actually kind of hoping they would beat me, specifically so I could duel them multiple times before having to wait until the game is beaten to see them more.
I absolutely love that they're in the real world in the game and in their human forms. What I don't like too much is that Noa says he has a satellite poised to destroy the city. In the anime, Gozaburo is the one wanting to blow up not just the city but most of the world, and the Big Five aren't part of that situation at all. I don't like thinking that they're endorsing something like that in the game, although it does make me ponder what they would have done had they been around in the anime when Gozaburo tried to do that. I like to think they would have objected. Just because they were okay with KaibaCorp being a weapons company certainly wouldn't mean they'd be okay with a sick plan like that!
I've also had some interesting Duel Links duels playing Lumis and Umbra lately. I was having trouble with their deck, so I switched out some of the weaker cards and slanted it more towards Spellcasters. I had a couple of really good wins tonight, including a long duel against a Joey playing a Red Eyes deck. I really love those hard-fought victories because I really feel I earned them and deserved them. By contrast, trouncing someone in a couple of turns doesn't give me much of a thrill at all.
I'm becoming seriously fond of Machine cards, and not just because I developed a crush on Nesbitt. Machine King was one of the first powerful cards I got in Nightmare Troubadour, so it's been one of my ace cards from the beginning. I've built a deck that's mostly Machines and Fiends (which is the name of the deck), with a couple of oddities thrown in because of high attack points (a Spellcaster, a Water monster). I was ecstatic when I got Jinzo recently. He's another of my ace cards. And Summoned Skull. I much prefer monsters that only require one Tribute. I ended up wanting to make a Machine deck in Duel Links, but had trouble figuring out a character to run it. I tried Tristan, but that didn't work so well. He might run a few, but not all the ones I wanted. (I couldn't see him using Machine King after his bad experience with it.) I tried Bandit Keith, but ugh, I just don't like him and couldn't stomach playing as him for long. Finally I wondered if Yami Bakura would run a Machine deck and I put one together for him that I could tentatively picture him using. Lots of Dark Machines.
(I also loved realizing that both Lector and Nesbitt have powerful Machine cards. In the fic, when they tag duel Lumis and Umbra, Lector realizes that fact is their shared strength and is finally able to get Nesbitt to make a strategy revolving around that.)
Speaking of Nesbitt, I have more pictures, including an argument with him and Lector I really love: I think it's my favorite time drawing Nesbitt so far, and since he's been hard for me to figure out in art, hopefully this means I finally have.