But before I say what I realized, an announcement.
Everyone should check to see if they receive the new network Antenna TV! The Monkees air on the weekends! Edited, unfortunately, but it's exciting that they're getting national exposure again! I have all the uncut DVDs, but I watch the Saturday episodes to support the airings.
Now, while thinking about my favorite Monkees episodes it dawned on me: my tastes for Monkees episodes are no different than my tastes on everything else. The episodes that appeal to me are the ones where they're either trying to help someone or where they're tangling with crooks. Sometimes those categories overlap.
I do not care much for any of the episodes that involve girl problems as a central point. Hence, Peter and the Debutante, Too Many Girls (Davy and Fern), The Monkees Get Out More Dirt, The Wild Monkees, etc., have never been among my favorites. They're alright (I probably like the Peter one best of them), but I'll almost always choose other episodes to watch over them. And I've never cared for the infighting in The Monkees Get Out More Dirt. It's just depressing to see them each trying to outdo each other to get the girl they all like. That episode really brought out the worst in all of them.
This isn't to say that I like all the episodes with crooks; there are some there that don't appeal much to me, either. Your Friendly Neighborhood Kidnappers, Son of a Gypsy, and The Card-Carrying Red Shoes are all ones that have also never been among my favorites. But in general, I'll go for the mystery/thriller episodes over anything else.
I do like The Chaperone. The girl problem may have jump-started the episode, but it doesn't seem to be the central plot. The central plot involves Micky in drag and just wanting out because the girl's widowed father and Mr. Babbit both think he's a she. LOL. It was priceless.
On a different but related subject, Some Like It Lukewarm is a hilarious episode. What I like best about it, though, is how Davy feels so guilty about doing something dishonest. What bothers me about it is that none of the other guys seem to see anything wrong with it. I can't help thinking that if it had been an earlier episode, they all would have had some reservations even if they had still decided to go through with the plan to make Davy come in drag so they could pass themselves off as a mixed group in the contest.
I've been working on that new Monkees fic that revived my idea about exploring Peter with amnesia because of how in The Case of the Missing Monkee he seemed a bit more cold towards Micky than towards the others. Crystal inadvertently helped the plot along by asking if Baby Face would be in it. I'd originally not planned to feature him, but now he's a central part of the plot. Peter wanders off and encounters Baby Face and of course thinks he's Micky. Then he's only more upset, thinking Micky is a gangster. He ends up forced to go with the gang because they're having problems with a rival gang. In frustration, Baby Face has Tony deliver a message to Micky about coming to get Peter. Everything is eventually going to culminate with a gang war in an old warehouse.
I'm writing it for the prompt Found the dark in you at
31_days and intend to post it on Amnesty Day. We'll see if I have it done by then, but I think there's probably a good chance of it. I'm already quite a ways into it.
I also have a fic idea for Monk, which I can finally watch religiously thanks to My Network TV. I don't think I'll describe the idea here, though. I'll see if it'll come out right at all.
I will say that even though it will take place around season 8, or maybe even post-series, Sharona is going to be in it. I'll be seeing Natalie for the first time this coming Friday, and I don't think I'll be confident enough to write for her for some time. (Plus, I love Sharona and I've been picturing a conversation with her and Monk concerning events in the fic.) I'll have to figure out a reason why Sharona is in it. If it's post-series, I can have her move back to San Francisco. Natalie can be on vacation or visiting family or something. Albeit if I decide to write several Monk fics I'll try to have both Sharona and Natalie around.
I still think the reason the writers gave for why Sharona left in season 3 was terrible and OOC. I don't know which is worse, giving an OOC reason for departure or disappearing from a show without a trace.
And I've written more in the Tutu tape recorder fic. I think I'm drawing closer to the solution being discovered.