**points dramatically.**
ladyamberjo, I am holding you personally responsible for the zombies that appeared in my dream!
I can also explain the presence of a few other things, but overall, this dream was really whacked out and really really creepy. ;___; As I told Lisa: We were in Idaho, visiting my paternal grandmother (who in reality never left the state and is dead now). Then we drove around and found an old abandoned factory/plant thing where apparently some horrible calamity had happened in the twenties or thirties? o.o And there was a huge monolith/monument/something in the middle of the place, commemorating it. And as we drove through, some water dripped down an old building's wall and that seemed to be an indication that lost spirits were afoot. They then began exclaiming and wailing to be helped. ;___; Oh my gosh it was creepy. Then later, a few of them were coming around as zombies.
One amusing thing: the dream had continuity. XD; At one point, earlier, we were in a creepy cemetery and there was a monument with water dripping down it. I had been told about something like that from Crystal before we left, as she had vacationed there before, so I thought that was the one she had mentioned. Then later, at the factory, I reread the printed email and saw that she was talking about the monument at the factory site.
I'm pretty sure the wandering spirits are inspired by the spirits of Kul Elna. (Thanks, guys.) Monolith, probably because I was talking about them the other day. (They are freaking creepy. I honestly think having Solomon's and the Kaiba brothers' soul cards on monoliths is creepier than the crosses in the original Japanese.) Zombies, because Ladyamberjo showed me some stuff about a show that included a zombie episode. LOL. Even my grandmother's appearance could be explained because I was thinking the other day that it would soon be four years since she died. But the rest of the stuff---Idaho, an abandoned plant ... just not sure. (Well, plant, possibly because the movie F.I.S.T. was on the other night, involving a factory?...) And in any case, my gosh, my mind put everything together so creepy!