Singin' songs in my car, feeling happy, 'cause we're going to the sand!

Nov 02, 2003 20:01

I went to Galveston today con mis amigos! *hugs them* They're very, very awesome and it was tons of fun. I ate too much and spent a lot of money this weekend. Also, my pasty whiteness reflected the sun onto them so that their tans were enhanced when we were laying on the beach.

My elitist party was fun except that it got closed early cause some one was smoking indoors? This seems like a weak reason to call the whole thing off so I'm vaguely suspicious. However, laughing at all the drunk people in skanky costumes was definitely a high point of the night. I was wearing way more clothes than most people. I felt so awesome. Afterwards, we went to the House of Guys and had dessert with awesome junior boys (not anyone in particular of course). There was minor discovery that hey! a lot of guys are assholes, but that was counterbalanced by the cool people we hung out with.
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